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newproc.d(1m) [osx man page]

newproc.d(1m)							   USER COMMANDS						     newproc.d(1m)

newproc.d - snoop new processes. Uses DTrace. SYNOPSIS
newproc.d is a DTrace OneLiner to snoop new processes as they are run. The argument listing is printed. This is useful to identify short lived processes that are usually difficult to spot using traditional tools. Docs/oneliners.txt and Docs/Examples/oneliners_examples.txt in the DTraceToolkit contain this as a oneliner that can be cut-n-paste to run. Since this uses DTrace, only users with root privileges can run this command. EXAMPLES
This prints new processes until Ctrl-C is hit. # newproc.d FIELDS
CPU The CPU that recieved the event ID A DTrace probe ID for the event FUNCTION:NAME The DTrace probe name for the event remaining fields These contains the argument listing for the new process DOCUMENTATION
See the DTraceToolkit for further documentation under the Docs directory. The DTraceToolkit docs may include full worked examples with ver- bose descriptions explaining the output. EXIT
newproc.d will run forever until Ctrl-C is hit. AUTHOR
Brendan Gregg [Sydney, Australia] SEE ALSO
execsnoop(1M), dtrace(1M), truss(1) version 1.00 May 15, 2005 newproc.d(1m)

Check Out this Related Man Page

creatbyproc.d(1m)						   USER COMMANDS						 creatbyproc.d(1m)

creatbyproc.d - snoop creat()s by process name. Uses DTrace. SYNOPSIS
creatbyproc.d DESCRIPTION
creatbyproc.d is a DTrace OneLiner to print file creations as it occurs, including the name of the process calling the open. This matches file creates from the creat() system call; not all file creation occurs in this way, sometimes it is through open() with a O_CREAT flag, this script will not monitor that activity. Docs/oneliners.txt and Docs/Examples/oneliners_examples.txt in the DTraceToolkit contain this as a oneliner that can be cut-n-paste to run. Since this uses DTrace, only users with root privileges can run this command. EXAMPLES
This prints process names and new pathnames until Ctrl-C is hit. # creatbyproc.d FIELDS
CPU The CPU that recieved the event ID A DTrace probe ID for the event FUNCTION:NAME The DTrace probe name for the event remaining fields The first is the name of the process, the second is the file pathname. DOCUMENTATION
See the DTraceToolkit for further documentation under the Docs directory. The DTraceToolkit docs may include full worked examples with ver- bose descriptions explaining the output. EXIT
creatbyproc.d will run forever until Ctrl-C is hit. AUTHOR
Brendan Gregg [Sydney, Australia] SEE ALSO
dtrace(1M) version 1.00 Jun 11, 2005 creatbyproc.d(1m)
Man Page

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