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who(1) [osx man page]

WHO(1)							    BSD General Commands Manual 						    WHO(1)

who -- display who is logged in SYNOPSIS
who [-abdHlmpqrsTtu] [file] who am i DESCRIPTION
The who utility displays a list of all users currently logged on, showing for each user the login name, tty name, the date and time of login, and hostname if not local. Available options: -a Same as -bdlprTtu. -b Time of last system boot. -d Print dead processes. -H Write column headings above the regular output. -l Print system login processes (unsupported). -m Only print information about the current terminal. This is the POSIX way of saying who am i. -p Print active processes spawned by launchd(8) (unsupported). -q ``Quick mode'': List only the names and the number of users currently logged on. When this option is used, all other options are ignored. -r Print the current runlevel. This is meaningless on Mac OS X. -s List only the name, line and time fields. This is the default. -T Print a character after the user name indicating the state of the terminal line: '+' if the terminal is writable; '-' if it is not; and '?' if a bad line is encountered. -t Print last system clock change (unsupported). -u Print the idle time for each user, and the associated process ID. am I Returns the invoker's real user name. file By default, who gathers information from the file /var/run/utmpx. An alternative file may be specified. FILES
/var/run/utmpx SEE ALSO
last(1), mesg(1), users(1), getuid(2), utmpx(5) STANDARDS
The who utility conforms to IEEE Std 1003.1-2001 (``POSIX.1''). HISTORY
A who utility appeared in Version 6 AT&T UNIX. BSD
January 17, 2007 BSD

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WHO(1)                                                             User Commands                                                            WHO(1)

who - show who is logged on SYNOPSIS
Print information about users who are currently logged in. -a, --all same as -b -d --login -p -r -t -T -u -b, --boot time of last system boot -d, --dead print dead processes -H, --heading print line of column headings --ips print ips instead of hostnames. with --lookup, canonicalizes based on stored IP, if available, rather than stored hostname -l, --login print system login processes --lookup attempt to canonicalize hostnames via DNS -m only hostname and user associated with stdin -p, --process print active processes spawned by init -q, --count all login names and number of users logged on -r, --runlevel print current runlevel -s, --short print only name, line, and time (default) -t, --time print last system clock change -T, -w, --mesg add user's message status as +, - or ? -u, --users list users logged in --message same as -T --writable same as -T --help display this help and exit --version output version information and exit If FILE is not specified, use /var/run/utmp. /var/log/wtmp as FILE is common. If ARG1 ARG2 given, -m presumed: 'am i' or 'mom likes' are usual. AUTHOR
Written by Joseph Arceneaux, David MacKenzie, and Michael Stone. REPORTING BUGS
GNU coreutils online help: <> Report who translation bugs to <> COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>. This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. SEE ALSO
Full documentation at: <> or available locally via: info '(coreutils) who invocation' GNU coreutils 8.28 January 2018 WHO(1)
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