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treereg5.12(1) [osx man page]

TREEREG(1)						User Contributed Perl Documentation						TREEREG(1)

treereg - Compiler for Tree Regular Expressions SYNOPSIS
treereg [-m packagename] [[no]syntax] [[no]numbers] [-severity 0|1|2|3] [-p treeprefix] [-o outputfile] [-lib /path/to/library/] -i filename[.trg] treereg [-m packagename] [[no]syntax] [[no]numbers] [-severity 0|1|2|3] [-p treeprefix] [-lib /path/to/library/] [-o outputfile] filename[.trg] treereg -v treereg -h OPTIONS
Options can be used both with one dash and double dash. It is not necessary to write the full name of the option. A disambiguation prefix suffices. o "-i[n] filename" Input file. Extension ".trg" is assumed if no extension is provided. o "-o[ut] filename" Output file. By default is the name of the input file (concatenated with .pm) o "-m[od] packagename" Name of the package containing the generated subroutines. By default is the longest prefix of the input file name that conforms to the classic definition of integer "[a-z_A-Z]w*". o "-l[ib] /path/to/library/" Specifies that "/path/to/library/" will be included in @INC. Useful when the "syntax" option is on. Can be inserted as many times as necessary. o "-p[refix] treeprefix" Tree nodes automatically generated using "Parse::Eyapp" are objects blessed into the name of the production. To avoid crashes the programmer may prefix the class names with a given prefix when calling the parser; for example: $self->YYParse( yylex => &_Lexer, yyerror => &_Error, yyprefix => __PACKAGE__."::") The "-prefix treeprefix" option simplifies the process of writing the tree grammar so that instead of writing with the full names CLASS::TIMES(CLASS::NUM, $x) and { $NUM->{VAL} == 0) => { $NUM } it can be written: TIMES(NUM, $x) and { $NUM->{VAL} == 0) => { $NUM } o "-n[umbers]" Produces "#line" directives. o "-non[umbers]" Disable source file line numbering embedded in your parser o "-sy[ntax]" Checks that Perl code is syntactically correct. o "-nosy[ntax]" Does not check the syntax of Perl code o "-se[verity] number" - 0 = Don't check arity (default). Matching does not check the arity. The actual node being visited may have more children. - 1 = Check arity. Matching requires the equality of the number of children and the actual node and the pattern. - 2 = Check arity and give a warning - 3 = Check arity, give a warning and exit o "-v[ersion]" Gives the version o "-u[sage]" Prints the usage info o "-h[elp]" Print this help DESCRIPTION
"Treereg" translates a tree grammar specification file (default extension ".trg" describing a set of tree patterns and the actions to modify them using tree-terms like: TIMES(NUM, $x) and { $NUM->{VAL} == 0) => { $NUM } which says that wherever an abstract syntax tree representing the product of a numeric expression with value 0 times any other kind of expression, the "TIMES" tree can be substituted by its left child. The compiler produces a Perl module containing the subroutines implementing those sets of pattern-actions. EXAMPLE
Consider the following "eyapp" grammar (see the "Parse::Eyapp" documentation to know more about "Parse::Eyapp" grammars): ---------------------------------------------------------- nereida:~/LEyapp/examples> cat Rule6.yp %{ use Data::Dumper; %} %right '=' %left '-' '+' %left '*' '/' %left NEG %tree %% line: exp { $_[1] } ; exp: %name NUM NUM | %name VAR VAR | %name ASSIGN VAR '=' exp | %name PLUS exp '+' exp | %name MINUS exp '-' exp | %name TIMES exp '*' exp | %name DIV exp '/' exp | %name UMINUS '-' exp %prec NEG | '(' exp ')' { $_[2] } /* Let us simplify a bit the tree */ ; %% sub _Error { die "Syntax error. "; } sub _Lexer { my($parser)=shift; $parser->YYData->{INPUT} or $parser->YYData->{INPUT} = <STDIN> or return('',undef); $parser->YYData->{INPUT}=~s/^s+//; for ($parser->YYData->{INPUT}) { s/^([0-9]+(?:.[0-9]+)?)// and return('NUM',$1); s/^([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*)// and return('VAR',$1); s/^(.)//s and return($1,$1); } } sub Run { my($self)=shift; $self->YYParse( yylex => &_Lexer, yyerror => &_Error ); } ---------------------------------------------------------- Compile it using "eyapp": ---------------------------------------------------------- nereida:~/LEyapp/examples> eyapp Rule6.yp nereida:~/LEyapp/examples> ls -ltr | tail -1 -rw-rw---- 1 pl users 4976 2006-09-15 19:56 ---------------------------------------------------------- Now consider this tree grammar: ---------------------------------------------------------- nereida:~/LEyapp/examples> cat Transform2.trg %{ my %Op = (PLUS=>'+', MINUS => '-', TIMES=>'*', DIV => '/'); %} fold: 'TIMES|PLUS|DIV|MINUS':bin(NUM($n), NUM($m)) => { my $op = $Op{ref($bin)}; $n->{attr} = eval "$n->{attr} $op $m->{attr}"; $_[0] = $NUM[0]; } zero_times_whatever: TIMES(NUM($x), .) and { $x->{attr} == 0 } => { $_[0] = $NUM } whatever_times_zero: TIMES(., NUM($x)) and { $x->{attr} == 0 } => { $_[0] = $NUM } /* rules related with times */ times_zero = zero_times_whatever whatever_times_zero; ---------------------------------------------------------- Compile it with "treereg": ---------------------------------------------------------- nereida:~/LEyapp/examples> treereg Transform2.trg nereida:~/LEyapp/examples> ls -ltr | tail -1 -rw-rw---- 1 pl users 1948 2006-09-15 19:57 ---------------------------------------------------------- The following program makes use of both modules "" and "": ---------------------------------------------------------- nereida:~/LEyapp/examples> cat #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Rule6; use Parse::Eyapp::YATW; use Data::Dumper; use Transform2; $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1; my $parser = new Rule6(); my $t = $parser->Run; print " ***** Before ****** "; print Dumper($t); $t->s(@Transform2::all); print " ***** After ****** "; print Dumper($t); ---------------------------------------------------------- When the program runs with input "b*(2-2)" produces the following output: ---------------------------------------------------------- nereida:~/LEyapp/examples> b*(2-2) ***** Before ****** $VAR1 = bless( { 'children' => [ bless( { 'children' => [ bless( { 'children' => [], 'attr' => 'b', 'token' => 'VAR' }, 'TERMINAL' ) ] }, 'VAR' ), bless( { 'children' => [ bless( { 'children' => [ bless( { 'children' => [], 'attr' => '2', 'token' => 'NUM' }, 'TERMINAL' ) ] }, 'NUM' ), bless( { 'children' => [ bless( { 'children' => [], 'attr' => '2', 'token' => 'NUM' }, 'TERMINAL' ) ] }, 'NUM' ) ] }, 'MINUS' ) ] }, 'TIMES' ); ***** After ****** $VAR1 = bless( { 'children' => [ bless( { 'children' => [], 'attr' => 0, 'token' => 'NUM' }, 'TERMINAL' ) ] }, 'NUM' ); ---------------------------------------------------------- See also the section "Compiling: More Options" in Parse::Eyapp for a more contrived example. SEE ALSO
o Parse::Eyapp, o eyapptut o The pdf file in <> o <> (Spanish), o eyapp, o treereg, o Parse::yapp, o yacc(1), o bison(1), o the classic book "Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools" by Alfred V. Aho, Ravi Sethi and o Jeffrey D. Ullman (Addison-Wesley 1986) o Parse::RecDescent. AUTHOR
Casiano Rodriguez-Leon LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2006 by Casiano Rodriguez-Leon This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.8 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available. perl v5.12.5 2011-01-30 TREEREG(1)
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