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otool(1) [osx man page]

OTOOL(1)						      General Commands Manual							  OTOOL(1)

otool - object file displaying tool SYNOPSIS
otool [ option ... ] [ file ... ] DESCRIPTION
The otool command displays specified parts of object files or libraries. If the, -m option is not used, the file arguments may be of the form libx.a(foo.o), to request information about only that object file and not the entire library. (Typically this argument must be quoted, ``libx.a(foo.o)'', to get it past the shell.) Otool understands both Mach-O (Mach object) files and universal file formats. Otool can display the specified information in either its raw (numeric) form (without the -v flag), or in a symbolic form using macro names of constants, etc. (with the -v or -V flag). At least one of the following options must be specified: -a Display the archive header, if the file is an archive. -S Display the contents of the `__.SYMDEF' file, if the file is an archive. -f Display the universal headers. -h Display the Mach header. -l Display the load commands. -L Display the names and version numbers of the shared libraries that the object file uses. -D Display just install name of a shared library. -s segname sectname Display the contents of the section (segname,sectname). If the -v flag is specified, the section is displayed as its type, unless the type is zero (the section header flags). Also the sections (__OBJC,__protocol), (__OBJC,__string_object) and (__OBJC,__run- time_setup) are displayed symbolically if the -v flag is specified. -t Display the contents of the (__TEXT,__text) section. With the -v flag, this disassembles the text. And with -V, it also symboli- cally disassembles the operands. -d Display the contents of the (__DATA,__data) section. -o Display the contents of the __OBJC segment used by the Objective-C run-time system. -r Display the relocation entries. -c Display the argument strings (argv[] and envp[]) from a core file. -I Display the indirect symbol table. -T Display the table of contents for a dynamically linked shared library. -R Display the reference table of a dynamically linked shared library. -M Display the module table of a dynamically linked shared library. -H Display the two-level namespace hints table. The following options may also be given: -p name Used with the -t and -v or -V options to start the disassembly from symbol name and continue to the end of the (__TEXT,__text) sec- tion. -v Display verbosely (symbolically) when possible. -V Display the disassembled operands symbolically (this implies the -v option). This is useful with the -t option. -X Don't display leading addresses when displaying contents of sections. -arch arch_type Specifies the architecture, arch_type, of the file for otool(1) to operate on when the file is a universal file. (See arch(3) for the currently know arch_types.) The arch_type can be "all" to operate on all architectures in the file. The default is to display only the host architecture, if the file contains it; otherwise, all architectures in the file are shown. -m The object file names are not assumed to be in the archive(member) syntax, which allows file names containing parenthesis. Apple Computer, Inc. July 28, 2005 OTOOL(1)

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NM(1)							      General Commands Manual							     NM(1)

nm - display name list (symbol table) SYNOPSIS
nm [ -agnoprumxjlf [ s segname sectname ]] [ file ... ] DESCRIPTION
Nm displays the name list (symbol table) of each object file in the argument list. If an argument is an archive, a listing for each object file in the archive will be produced. File can be of the form libx.a(x.o), in which case only symbols from that member of the object file are listed. (The parentheses have to be quoted to get by the shell.) If no file is given, the symbols in a.out are listed. Each symbol name is preceded by its value (blanks if undefined). Unless the -m option is specified, this value is followed by one of the following characters, representing the symbol type: U (undefined), A (absolute), T (text section symbol), D (data section symbol), B (bss section symbol), C (common symbol), - (for debugger symbol table entries; see -a below), S (symbol in a section other than those above), or I (indirect symbol). If the symbol is local (non-external), the symbol's type is instead represented by the corresponding lowercase let- ter. A lower case u in a dynamic shared library indicates a undefined reference to a private external in another module in the same library. If the symbol is a Objective C method, the symbol name is +-[Class_name(category_name) method:name:], where `+' is for class methods, `-' is for instance methods, and (category_name) is present only when the method is in a category. The output is sorted alphabetically by default. Options are: -a Display all symbol table entries, including those inserted for use by debuggers. -g Display only global (external) symbols. -n Sort numerically rather than alphabetically. -o Prepend file or archive element name to each output line, rather than only once. -p Don't sort; display in symbol-table order. -r Sort in reverse order. -u Display only undefined symbols. -m Display the N_SECT type symbols (Mach-O symbols) as (segment_name, section_name) followed by either external or non-external and then the symbol name. Undefined, common, absolute and indirect symbols get displayed as (undefined), (common), (absolute), and (indirect), respectively. -x Display the symbol table entry's fields in hexadecimal, along with the name as a string. -j Just display the symbol names (no value or type). -s segname sectname List only those symbols in the section (segname,sectname). -l List a pseudo symbol .section_start if no symbol has as its value the starting address of the section. (This is used with the -s option above.) -arch arch_type Specifies the architecture, arch_type, of the file for nm(1) to operate on when the file is a fat file (see arch(3) for the cur- rently known arch_types). The arch_type can be "all" to operate on all architectures in the file. The default is to display the symbols from only the host architecture, if the file contains it; otherwise, symbols for all architectures in the file are dis- played. -f Display the symbol table of a dynamic library flat (as one file not separate modules). SEE ALSO
ar(1), ar(5), Mach-O(5), stab(5), nlist(3) BUGS
Displaying Mach-O symbols with -m is too verbose. Without the -m, symbols in the Objective C sections get displayed as an `s'. Apple Computer, Inc. October 23, 1997 NM(1)
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