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odutil(1) [osx man page]

odutil(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 						 odutil(1)

odutil -- allows caller to examine or change state of opendirectoryd(8) SYNOPSIS
odutil show [cache | sessions | nodes | modules | requests | nodenames | statistics | all] odutil show configuration nodename [module modulename] [option option] odutil reset [cache | statistics] odutil set log [default | alert | critical | error | warning | notice | info | debug] odutil set configuration nodename [module modulename] option option value1 ... odutil set statistics [on | off] DESCRIPTION
Use odutil to look at internal state information for opendirectoryd, enable or disable logging, or change statistics settings. Available commands: show Show various internal information. Subcommands: cache Outputs contents of the cache. Note, this output is not included in show all command. sessions List all open sessions nodes List all open nodes modules List all loaded modules requests List all active requests statistics Outputs statistics information. Some statistics are always enabled (membership). Additional statistics can be enabled see 'set statistics on'. nodenames List all available node names all List all of the above information (excludes cache) show configuration nodename Show configuration of a specific node, Subcommands: module modulename Specific module is requested, otherwise global options option option Output a value of a specific option. reset Reset various internal information. Subcommands: cache Resets all caches including membership and kernel (does not affect DNS cache) statistics Resets any accumulated statistics. set log Changes logging level. Levels are lowest to highest. This state is persistent across reboots and must be changed to a new level or 'default'. alert Enables logging of messages of alert level or lower critical Enables logging of messages of critical level error | default Enables logging of messages of error level or lower (default value) warning Enables logging of messages of warning level notice Enables logging of messages of notice level or lower info Enables logging of messages of info level or lower debug Enables logging of messages of debug level or lower set configuration nodename Sets either global or per-module options accordingly. module modulename If module is omitted, then global option is assumed. option option value1 ... Set a specific option to one or more values as appropriate. set statistics Enables or disables extended statistics. Statistics include per-process-name call statistics and per-API call and latencies. This setting is persistent across reboots and should not normally be run as it is memory intensive. on Enables statistics tracking off Disables statistics tracking SEE ALSO
opendirectoryd(8) BSD
Jan 18, 2012 BSD

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mailstats(1)						      General Commands Manual						      mailstats(1)

mailstats - print mail traffic statistics SYNOPSIS
cffile] stfile] DESCRIPTION
reads and interprets the statistics file, and then prints out the mail traffic statistics. The statistics file is the one set by the option in the The default statistics file is If the statistics file exists, collects statistics about your mail traffic and stores them in that file. This file does not grow. Statistics are gathered on a per-mailer basis for each mailer defined in the configuration file. Statistics are kept on the number of mes- sages and the number of bytes for all inbound and outbound traffic. The utility displays the time at which statistics collection was started on the first line. Then, the statistics of each mailer is dis- played on a single line, each with the following white space separated fields (see the "EXAMPLES" section below): The mailer number. Number of messages from the mailer. Kbytes from the mailer. Number of messages to the mailer. Kbytes to the mailer. Number of messages rejected. Number of messages discarded. The name of the mailer. After this display, a line totaling the values for all of the mailers is displayed, separated from the previous information by a line con- taining only equals (``='') characters. Note can be used by privileged users only. Options The options are as follows: Read the specified cffile instead of the default file. Read the specified statistics file, stfile, instead of the statistics file specified in the file. Do not display the name of the mailer in the output. Output information in program-readable mode and clear statistics. To clear the statistics file, execute, as root: RETURN VALUE
The utility exits with 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs. DIAGNOSTICS
generates error messages if the statistics file is not accessible or if the size of the statistics file has changed. Error messages are: Either statistics-file is zero length, meaning that no mail has been transferred since it was cleared out, or its size has changed. Since the size of this file is supposed to remain constant, any change in size means that the file is invalid. The statistics file does not exist. The statistics file's permissions are set so that you cannot read it. EXAMPLES
Here is a typical example of output: ============================================================= This example shows that mailers 0, 3 and 5 have handled the given amounts of mail traffic since Thursday, Jul 11th. Specifically, has sent 11 messages containing 11 kilobytes via mailer esmtp (M 5), but has 4 messages rejected via mailer esmtp (M 5). AUTHOR
was developed by the University of California, Berkeley. FILES
default mail traffic statistics file sendmail configuration file SEE ALSO
sendmail(1M). mailstats(1)
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