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newgrp(1) [osx man page]

NEWGRP(1)						    BSD General Commands Manual 						 NEWGRP(1)

newgrp -- change to a new group SYNOPSIS
newgrp [-l] [group] DESCRIPTION
The newgrp utility creates a new shell execution environment with modified real and effective group IDs. The options are as follows: -l Simulate a full login. The environment and umask are set to what would be expected if the user actually logged in again. If the group operand is present, a new shell is started with the specified effective and real group IDs. The user will be prompted for a password if they are not a member of the specified group. Otherwise, the real, effective and supplementary group IDs are restored to those from the current user's password database entry. EXIT STATUS
The newgrp utility attempts to start the shell regardless of whether group IDs were successfully changed. If an error occurs and the shell cannot be started, newgrp exits >0. Otherwise, the exit status of newgrp is the exit status of the shell. SEE ALSO
csh(1), groups(1), login(1), sh(1), su(1), umask(1), group(5), passwd(5), environ(7) STANDARDS
The newgrp utility conforms to IEEE Std 1003.1-2001 (``POSIX.1''). HISTORY
A newgrp utility appeared in Version 6 AT&T UNIX. BUGS
Group passwords are inherently insecure as there is no way to stop users obtaining the crypted passwords from the group database. Their use is discouraged. BSD
May 23, 2002 BSD

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newgrp(1)						      General Commands Manual							 newgrp(1)

newgrp - change effective group ID sg - execute command with different group ID SYNOPSIS
newgrp [-l] [group] sg group -c command DESCRIPTION
The newgrp command changes the user's real and effetive group ID by replacing the current shell with a new shell. A new shell is launched even if an error occours. A password is requested if the group has a password and the user is not listed in the group file as being a member of that group. The pass- word can be changed with the gpasswd(1) command. If the new effective group ID is not in the supplementary group list, newgrp will add the new group ID to the supplementary list, too. With no operands and options, newgrp changes the user's group IDs (real and effective) back to the group specified in password and group file. The sg command works like the newgrp command, except that it executes the given command with /bin/sh and upon exit the group ID of the cur- rent shell is not changed. OPTIONS
-l, --login reinitialize the environment as if the user logged in. --help Print a help list. -u, --usage Print a short usage message. -v, --version Print program version. SEE ALSO
gpasswd(1), group(5), passwd(1), passwd(5), su(1) AUTHOR
Thorsten Kukuk <> pwdutils April 2004 newgrp(1)
Man Page

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