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getinfo(1) [osx man page]

GETINFO(1)						      General Commands Manual							GETINFO(1)

getinfo - get header information from a RADIANCE file SYNOPSIS
getinfo [ -d ][ file .. ] getinfo - DESCRIPTION
Getinfo reads the header of each RADIANCE file and writes it to the standard output. Octree and picture files are in a binary format, which makes it difficult to determine their content. Therefore, a few lines of text are placed at the beginning of each file by the RADI- ANCE program that creates it. The end of the header information and the start of the data is indicated by an empty line. The -d option can be used to print the dimensions of an octree or picture file instead. For an octree, getinfo -d prints the bounding cube (xmin ymin zmin size). For a picture, getinfo -d prints the y and x resolution (-Y yres +X xres). If no file is given, the standard input is read. The second form of getinfo with a hyphen simply removes the header and copies the body of the file from the standard input to the standard output. EXAMPLE
To print the header information from scene1.oct and scene2.hdr: getinfo scene1.oct scene2.hdr AUTHOR
Greg Ward SEE ALSO
oconv(1), pfilt(1), rhinfo(1), rpict(1), rvu(1) RADIANCE
1/15/99 GETINFO(1)

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GETINFO(1)						      General Commands Manual							GETINFO(1)

getinfo - get header information from a RADIANCE file SYNOPSIS
getinfo [ -d ][ file .. ] getinfo - DESCRIPTION
Getinfo reads the header of each RADIANCE file and writes it to the standard output. Octree and picture files are in a binary format, which makes it difficult to determine their content. Therefore, a few lines of text are placed at the beginning of each file by the RADI- ANCE program that creates it. The end of the header information and the start of the data is indicated by an empty line. The -d option can be used to print the dimensions of an octree or picture file instead. For an octree, getinfo -d prints the bounding cube (xmin ymin zmin size). For a picture, getinfo -d prints the y and x resolution (-Y yres +X xres). If no file is given, the standard input is read. The second form of getinfo with a hyphen simply removes the header and copies the body of the file from the standard input to the standard output. EXAMPLE
To print the header information from scene1.oct and scene2.hdr: getinfo scene1.oct scene2.hdr AUTHOR
Greg Ward SEE ALSO
oconv(1), pfilt(1), rhinfo(1), rpict(1), rvu(1) RADIANCE
1/15/99 GETINFO(1)
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