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fstobdf(1) [osx man page]

FSTOBDF(1)						      General Commands Manual							FSTOBDF(1)

fstobdf - generate BDF font from X font server SYNOPSIS
fstobdf [ -server servername ] -fn fontname DESCRIPTION
The fstobdf program reads a font from a font server and prints a BDF file on the standard output that may be used to recreate the font. This is useful in testing servers, debugging font metrics, and reproducing lost BDF files. OPTIONS
-server servername This option specifies the server from which the font should be read. servername must be specified in one of the formats defined in the Font Server Names section of X(7). If not specified, the server name in the FONTSERVER environment variable is used. -fn fontname This option specifies the font for which a BDF file should be generated. ENVIRONMENT
FONTSERVER The default server to use. The server name must be specified in one of the formats defined in the Font Server Names section of X(7). SEE ALSO
xfs(1), bdftopcf(1), showfont(1), fslsfonts(1), X(7). AUTHOR
Olaf Brandt, Network Computing Devices Dave Lemke, Network Computing Devices Jim Fulton, MIT X Consortium X Version 11 fstobdf 1.0.5 FSTOBDF(1)

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FSTOBDF(1)                                                    General Commands Manual                                                   FSTOBDF(1)

fstobdf - generate BDF font from X font server SYNOPSIS
fstobdf [ -server servername ] -fn fontname DESCRIPTION
The fstobdf program reads a font from a font server and prints a BDF file on the standard output that may be used to recreate the font. This is useful in testing servers, debugging font metrics, and reproducing lost BDF files. OPTIONS
-server servername This option specifies the server from which the font should be read. servername must be specified in one of the formats defined in the Font Server Names section of X(7). If not specified, the server name in the FONTSERVER environment variable is used. -fn fontname This option specifies the font for which a BDF file should be generated. ENVIRONMENT
FONTSERVER The default server to use. The server name must be specified in one of the formats defined in the Font Server Names section of X(7). SEE ALSO
xfs(1), bdftopcf(1), showfont(1), fslsfonts(1), X(7). AUTHOR
Olaf Brandt, Network Computing Devices Dave Lemke, Network Computing Devices Jim Fulton, MIT X Consortium X Version 11 fstobdf 1.0.5 FSTOBDF(1)
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