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mongrel_rails(1) [osx man page]

MONGREL_RAILS(1)					    BSD General Commands Manual 					  MONGREL_RAILS(1)

mongrel_rails -- Fast HTTP library and server for Ruby SYNOPSIS
mongrel_rails command [options...] gpgen path [options...] DESCRIPTION
Mongrel is a fast HTTP library and server for Ruby that is intended for hosting Ruby web applications of any kind using plain HTTP rather than FastCGI or SCGI. It is framework agnostic and already supports Ruby On Rails, Og+Nitro, and Camping frameworks. mongrel_rails allows you to control the Mongrel server. gpgen helps you to create Mongrel plugins. For more information about a specific program you can use its --h flag. There is also online documentation available at "http://mongrel.ruby-". SEE ALSO
rails(1) ruby(1) AUTHORS
Mongrel was created by Zed Shaw <> BSD
August 21, 2006 BSD

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CAMPING(1)							   User Commands							CAMPING(1)

camping - small Ruby web framework for MVC type applications SYNOPSIS
camping app1.rb app2.rb... DESCRIPTION
Camping is a web framework which consistently stays at less than 4kb of code. The idea here is to store a complete fledgling web applica- tion (written in Ruby) in a single file like many small CGIs, but to organize it as a Model-View-Controller application like Rails does. You can then easily move it to Rails once you've got it going. Specific options: -h, --host HOSTNAME Host for web server to bind to (default is all IPs) -p, --port NUM Port for web server (defaults to 3301) -d, --database FILE SQLite3 database path (defaults to ~/.camping.db) -C, --console Run in console mode with IRB -s, --server NAME Server to force (mongrel, webrick, console) Common options: -?, --help Show this message -v, --version Show version FILES
~/.camping.db The default database file. SEE ALSO
The Camping website on AUTHOR
This manual page was written by Paul van Tilburg <>, for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others). camping 2.0 May 2010 CAMPING(1)
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