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rmalloc(9r) [osf1 man page]

rmalloc(9r)															       rmalloc(9r)

rmalloc - General: Allocates size units from the given resource map SYNOPSIS
long rmalloc( struct map *map_struct, long size ); ARGUMENTS
Specifies a pointer to a map structure that was previously initialized by a call to rminit. Specifies the size of the units to allocate. DESCRIPTION
The rmalloc routine allocates size units from the given resource map. In a map, the addresses are increasing, and the list is terminated by a zero size. The actual units managed by the map are arbitrary and can be map registers, bytes, blocks, and so forth. NOTES
The caller is responsible for providing any locking necessary for the map structure that the system passes to the rmalloc routine. RETURN VALUES
The rmalloc routine returns the base of the allocated space. It returns an error if no space could be allocated. SEE ALSO
Routines: rmfree(9r), rmget(9r), rminit(9r) rmalloc(9r)

Check Out this Related Man Page

rmalloc_wait(9F)					   Kernel Functions for Drivers 					  rmalloc_wait(9F)

rmalloc_wait - allocate space from a resource map, wait if necessary SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/map.h> #include <sys/ddi.h> unsigned long rmalloc_wait(struct map *mp, size_t size); INTERFACE LEVEL
Architecture independent level 1 (DDI/DKI). PARAMETERS
mp Pointer to the resource map from which space is to be allocated. size Number of units of space to allocate. DESCRIPTION
The rmalloc_wait() function requests an allocation of space from a resource map. rmalloc_wait() is similar to the rmalloc(9F) function with the exception that it will wait for space to become available if necessary. RETURN VALUES
The rmalloc_wait() function returns the base of the allocated space. CONTEXT
This function can be called from user, interrupt, or kernel context. However, in most cases rmalloc_wait() should not be called from inter- rupt context. SEE ALSO
rmalloc(9F), rmallocmap(9F), rmfree(9F), rmfreemap(9F) Writing Device Drivers SunOS 5.11 16 Jan 2006 rmalloc_wait(9F)
Man Page

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