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is_kseg_va(9r) [osf1 man page]

IS_KSEG_VA(9r)															    IS_KSEG_VA(9r)

IS_KSEG_VA, IS_SEG0_VA, IS_SEG1_VA - General: Determine if the specified address is located in the kernel-unmapped address space, the user- mapped address space, and the kernel-mapped address space. SYNOPSIS
void IS_KSEG_VA( unsigned long addr ); void IS_SEG0_VA( unsigned long addr ); void IS_SEG1_VA( unsigned long addr ); ARGUMENTS
Specifies the virtual address. DESCRIPTION
The IS_KSEG_VA routine determines if the specified address is located in the kernel-unmapped address space. The IS_SEG0_VA routine deter- mines if the specified address is located in the user-mapped address space. The IS_SEG1_VA routine determines if the specified address is located in the kernel-mapped address space. RETURN VALUES
The following code fragment shows a call to IS_KSEG_VA: . . . caddr_t virt_addr; [1] unsigned phys_addr; [2] . . . if(IS_KSEG_VA(virt_addr)) { [3] phys_addr = KSEG_TO_PHYS(virt_addr); [4] . . . Declares a variable to store the user buffer's virtual address. Declares a variable to store the physical address returned by KSEG_TO_PHYS. Before calling KSEG_TO_PHYS, calls IS_KSEG_VA to determine if the virtual address is from the kernel-unmapped address space. If the virtual address is from the kernel-unmapped address space, then calls KSEG_TO_PHYS to convert the address to a corresponding physi- cal address. SEE ALSO
Routines: KSEG_TO_PHYS(9r), PHYS_TO_KSEG(9r) IS_KSEG_VA(9r)

Check Out this Related Man Page

munmap(2)							System Calls Manual							 munmap(2)

       munmap - unmaps memory of a character device

       #include <sys/types.h>
       #include <sys/mman.h>

       caddr_t munmap(addr, len)
       caddr_t addr;
       size_t len;

       addr	 Specifies the address space of the calling process at which the unmapping begins.

       len	 Specifies the number of bytes to unmap.

       The  system  call  unmaps  a  specified	number of bytes (len) starting at a specified address (addr) from the address space of the calling
       process.  You mapped this device in a previous call to Subsequent access to the unmapped region results in  a  signal.	You  cannot  unmap
       data, stack, and text segments using

       The system call rounds len to the nearest multiple of page size as returned by

       The range [addr, addr + len] may contain more than one mapped region created by In this case, unmaps all of the mapped regions.

       All  of	the  mapped  regions must be wholly contained in the range [addr, addr + len].	That is, addr must be the beginning of some mapped
       region and addr + len must be the end of some (possibly different) mapped region.

Return Value
       If successful, returns 0.  Otherwise, it returns -1 and sets the errno argument to one of the errors listed in the Diagnostics section.

       The call to fails if one or more of the following is true:

       [EINVAL]  The address you specified in addr is not a multiple of the page size as returned by

       [EINVAL]  The addresses in the range [addr, addr + len] are not valid in the process address space.

       [EINVAL]  All of the segments being unmapped are not entirely contained in the range [addr, addr + len].

See Also
       getpagesize(2), getsysinfo(2), mmap(2)

Man Page

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