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showmount(8) [osf1 man page]

showmount(8)						      System Manager's Manual						      showmount(8)

showmount - Shows remote NFS compatible mounts on a host SYNOPSIS
showmount [-adeT] [-t nnn] [host] FLAGS
Lists all mount points in the form: hostname:dirpath. In this form, hostname is the name of a client that has remotely mounted a directory from an NFS server, and dirpath is the directory that has been mounted. Lists only directories that have been remotely mounted by clients. Shows host's exports list. Specifies an infinite timeout. The default timeout value is 25 seconds. Specifies a timeout value, in sec- onds. The default timeout value is 25 seconds. The default value for host is the current hostname. DESCRIPTION
The showmount command shows status information about the NFS server on host. By default, it prints the names of all hosts that have NFS file systems mounted from the server host. See NFS: Network File System Protocol Specification, RFC1094, Appendix A for a detailed description of the protocol. NOTES
The mountd daemon running on the server only has an idea of the actual mounts, since the NFS server is stateless. showmount will only dis- play the information as accurately as the mount daemon reports it. The default timeout value of 25 seconds can be too brief to read and verify an export list. If you receive timeout messages when using the showmount -e command, use either the -T or the -t options to increase the timeout value. FILES
Specifies the command path Contains a table of local file systems mounted by remote NFS clients RELATED INFORMATION
Commands: mount(8) Daemons: mountd(8) Files: mountdtab(4) delim off showmount(8)

Check Out this Related Man Page

SHOWMOUNT(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 					      SHOWMOUNT(8)

showmount -- show remote NFS mounts on host SYNOPSIS
showmount [-Ae36] [-a | -d] [host] DESCRIPTION
showmount shows status information about the NFS server on host. By default it prints the names of all hosts that have NFS file systems mounted on the host. See NFS: Network File System Protocol Specification, RFC 1094, Appendix A, and NFS: Network File System Version 3 Protocol Specification, Appendix I, for a detailed description of the protocol. -A Search for NFS servers advertised via Bonjour. -a List all mount points in the form: host:dirpath -d List directory paths of mount points instead of hosts. -e Show the host's exports list. -3 Use mount protocol Version 3, compatible with NFS Version 3. -6 Use only IPv6 addresses to contact servers. SEE ALSO
mount(1), mountd(8), nfsd(8), mDNSResponder(8) BUGS
The mount daemon running on the server only has an idea of the actual mounts, since the NFS server is stateless. showmount will only display the information as accurately as the mount daemon reports it. HISTORY
The showmount utility first appeared in 4.4BSD. 4th Berkeley Distribution September 26, 2010 4th Berkeley Distribution
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