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grpck(8) [osf1 man page]

pwck(8) 						      System Manager's Manual							   pwck(8)

pwck, grpck - Checks the password and group files for inconsistencies SYNOPSIS
pwck [-admNs] [file] grpck [-mNp] [file] FLAGS
Causes both pwck and grpck to additionally check the NIS database entries using the same consistency tests. Users that are defined in the local password or group file without the "+" at the start of the name field are flagged as duplicate entries. pwck Inhibits the running of the /tcb/bin/authck -p command on a system running Enhanced Security. Prevents pwck from checking for the presence of the user's login directory. Directs pwck to check for mixed case usernames. Causes pwck to check for the presence of the optional shell field for each entry. grck If there are no members, causes grpck to display a message indicating the listed group has no members. Directs grpck to not check for a users' existence in the password database (local or NIS). DESCRIPTION
The pwck command scans the /etc/passwd file, or the named file, and writes to standard out any inconsistencies. The scan checks the number of fields, login name, user ID, group ID, and existence of a login directory and optional program name. The grpck command scans the /etc/group file, or the named file, and writes to standard out any inconsistencies. The scan checks the number of fields, group name, group ID, and whether all login names appear in the password file. EXAMPLES
To verify the password information in the /etc/passwd file for consistency, enter: pwck To verify the password information in the /etc/passwd file and the NIS database for consistency without checking each users login directory validity, enter: pwck -Nd To verify the group information in the /etc/group file and the NIS database for consistency, enter: grpck -N FILES
Specifies the command path Specifies the command path Contains user information Contains group information RELATED INFORMATION
Commands: adduser(8), authck(8), groups(1), passwd(1), vipw(8) Files: passwd(4), group(4), ypfiles(4) delim off pwck(8)

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pwck(1M)                                                  System Administration Commands                                                  pwck(1M)

pwck, grpck - password/group file checkers SYNOPSIS
/usr/sbin/pwck [filename] /usr/sbin/grpck [filename] DESCRIPTION
pwck scans the password file and notes any inconsistencies. The checks include validation of the number of fields, login name, user ID, group ID, and whether the login directory and the program-to-use-as-shell exist. The default password file is /etc/passwd. grpck verifies all entries in the group file. This verification includes a check of the number of fields, group name, group ID, whether any login names belong to more than NGROUPS_MAX groups, and that all login names appear in the password file. The default group file is /etc/group. All messages regarding inconsistent entries are placed on the stderr stream. FILES
/etc/group /etc/passwd ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWcsu | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
getpwent(3C), group(4), passwd(4), attributes(5) DIAGNOSTICS
Group entries in /etc/group with no login names are flagged. Group file 'filename' is empty The /etc/passwd or /etc/group file is an empty file. cannot open file filename: No such file or directory The /etc/passwd or /etc/group file does not exist. NOTES
If no filename argument is given, grpck checks the local group file, /etc/group, and also makes sure that all login names encountered in the checked group file are known to the system getpwent(3C) routine. This means that the login names may be supplied by a network name service. SunOS 5.10 20 Oct 2002 pwck(1M)
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