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dtadvfs(8) [osf1 man page]

dtadvfs(8)						      System Manager's Manual							dtadvfs(8)

dtadvfs - Starts the AdvFS graphical user interface SYNOPSIS
/usr/bin/X11/dtadvfs [options] [-N] [-C hostname] OPTIONS
Turns off information messages about starting up the asemgr utility. This message is displayed at startup and whenever the file system configuration is changed when the system is running TruCluster Software. Connects to other hosts that are running the AdvFS GUI daemon, advfsd. OPERANDS
Uses the standard X Windows options. See the X(1X) and xterm(1X) reference pages for information. DESCRIPTION
The AdvFS graphical user interface (GUI) organizes AdvFS functionality into system management tasks and makes them available through a graphical interface. Issue the dtadvfs command to display the AdvFS GUI Main window. This window serves as both the starting point for all AdvFS GUI-managed tasks and as a monitor for file-system status. When the Main window is displayed, disk-space usage information is shown for the host and file domains. From the Main window, you can choose tasks from the following menus: Choose GUI setup options or exit the GUI. Choose file domain, file- set, clone, or volume configuration tasks. Choose what information displays on the main window or view devices and volumes information. Choose file domain balance or defragment procedures. Online help is available for all tasks and windows available through the GUI. To access help, click on the Help button in any window or choose Help from the menu bar to display information. RESTRICTIONS
You must be the root user to use this utility and you must register the Advanced File System Utilities license. FILES
/Storage_Management/Dtadvfs The indicator for graphic icons. The dtadvfs message log file. Remove or copy this log to another location periodically to prevent the log from becoming too large. The AdvFS Manager user-interface executable file. The dtadvfs online help files. The dtadvfs X resource file. The dtadvfs message catalogs. The GUI graphic icon files. The launch script for the graphic icons. SEE ALSO
advfs(4), advfsd(8), X(1X), xterm(1X) dtadvfs(8)

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nvtagpg(8)						      System Manager's Manual							nvtagpg(8)

nvtagpg - Displays a disk block formatted as a tag directory SYNOPSIS
/sbin/advfs/nvtagpg [-v] tag_id /sbin/advfs/nvtagpg [-v] tag_id { page | -a } /sbin/advfs/nvtagpg [-v] fileset_id file_id /sbin/advfs/nvtagpg domain_id fileset_id -d dump_file /sbin/advfs/nvtagpg domain_id -d dump_file /sbin/advfs/nvtagpg volume_id -b block OPTIONS
Specifies that all the pages in the file be displayed. Specifies the logical block number of a disk block on an AdvFS volume. Specifies the name of a file that will hold the contents of the specified tag file. Display all the data in a specified tag file. OPERANDS
Specifies a tag file using one of the following formats: Specify only the domain to select and display the root tag file. The dump_file parameter is a previously-saved copy of the root tag file. You can use the -F option to force the utility to interpret the dump_file param- eter as a file name if it has the same name as a domain name. Specify the domain and the fileset to select and display the fileset's tag file. The dump_file parameter is a previously-saved copy of the fileset's tag file. You can use the -F option to force the utility to interpret the dump_file parameter as a file name if it has the same name as a domain name. Specifies an AdvFS file domain using the fol- lowing format: By default, the utility opens all volumes using block device special files. Specify the -r option to operate on the raw device (character device special file) of the domain instead of the block device. Specify the [-D] option to force the utility to interpret the name you supply in the domain argument as a domain name. Specifies an AdvFS volume using the following format: Specify the -V option to force the utility to interpret the name you supply in the volume argument as a volume name. The volume name argument also can be a full or partial path for the volume, for example /dev/rdisk/dsk12a or dsk12a. Specifying a partial path name always opens the character device special file. Alternatively, specify the volume by using arguments for its domain, domain_id, and its volume index number, volume_index. Speci- fies an AdvFS fileset using the following format: Specify the [-S] option to force the command to interpret the name you supply as a fileset name. Specify the fileset by entering either the name of the fileset, fileset, or the fileset's tag number, -T fileset_tag. Specifies a file name in the following format: Specify the [-F] option to force the command to interpret the name you supply as a file name. Specify the file by entering either the file's fileset relative pathname, file, or the file's tag number, -t file_tag. Specifies the file page number of the tag file. DESCRIPTION
The nvtagpg utility displays formatted pages of a root tag file or a fileset tag file. The utility also can save a copy of a tag file. Each AdvFS domain has a root tag file that lists all the filesets in the domain. Each fileset has a tag file that lists all the files in the fileset. Displaying the root Tag File The utility can display a page of the root tag file. For example, to display only the second page (which is page 1) of the root tag file in a domain named domain_1, enter the following command: # /sbin/advfs/nvtagpg domain_1 1 To display the first page of the root tag file (which is page 0), you can specify the page, as in the example above, or you can just name the domain, and the default display is page 0. If you use the default, the display includes the names of all the filesets in the domain. For example, to display page 0 of the root tag file and the names of all the filesets in the domain named domain_1, enter the following command: # /sbin/advfs/nvtagpg domain_1 Displaying A Fileset Tag File To display all the tags in a fileset, use the -a option. For example, to display all the tags in the fileset fileset_1 in the domain domain_1, enter the following command: # /sbin/advfs/nvtagpg domain_1 fileset_1 -a To display the tag entry for a file that has tag 9 in a fileset that has tag 2 in the domain domain_1, enter the following command: # /sbin/advfs/nvtagpg domain_1 -T 2 -t 9 Saving the Tag File To read the root tag file and save it to a file for later examination, use the -d dump_file option. For example, to save the root tag file from domain domain_1 to a file in the current working directory named save_domain_1, enter the following command: # /sbin/advfs/nvtagpg domain_1 -d save_domain_1 To save the tag file from the fileset fileset_2 in domain_1, enter the following command: # /sbin/advfs/nvtagpg domain_1 fileset_2 -d save_fileset2 Displaying Corrupted AdvFS Volumes When the disk structures are too corrupted to use the normal methods of viewing volumes, you can specify a logical block on a disk. For example, to display and format as a tag page a page that contains logical block 1024 on disk dsk5c (which is volume one in in domain domain_1), enter the following command: # /sbin/advfs/nvtagpg dsk5c -b 1024 Or, enter the following command: # /sbin/advfs/nvtagpg domain_1 1 -b 1024 NOTES
An active domain, which is a domain with one or more of its filesets mounted, has all of its volumes opened using block device special files. These devices cannot be opened a second time without first being unmounted. However, the character device special files for the volumes can be opened more than once while still mounted. It can be misleading to use this utility on a domain with mounted filesets because the utility does not synchronize its read requests with AdvFS file domain read and write requests. For example, the AdvFS can be writing to the disk as the utility is reading from the disk. Therefore, when you run the utility, metadata may not have been flushed in time for the utility to read it and consecutive reads of the same file page may return unpredictable or con- tradictory results. [The domain is not harmed.] To avoid this problem, unmount all the fileset in the domain before using this utility. RESTRICTIONS
The utility can fail to open a block device, even when there are no filesets mounted for the domain and the AdvFS daemon, advfsd is run- ning. The daemon, as it runs, activates the domain for a brief time. If the nvtagpg utility fails in this situation, run it again. EXIT STATUS
The utility returns a 0 (zero) on success, otherwise it returns a nonzero value and an error diagnostic. FILES
Specifies the command path. Specifies the AdvFS volumes in domain_name. SEE ALSO
Commands: nvfragpg(8), nvlogpg(8), vfilepg(8), vsbmpg(8) Files: advfs(4) nvtagpg(8)
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