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sm(4) [osf1 man page]

statmon(4)						     Kernel Interfaces Manual							statmon(4)

sm, sm.bak, state - Status monitor directories and file structures SYNOPSIS
/etc/sm, /etc/sm.bak, /etc/state DESCRIPTION
The directories /etc/sm and /etc/sm.bak are generated by the rpc.statd daemon. Each entry in /etc/sm represents the name of the system to be monitored by the status monitor. Upon its recovery, the status monitor moves all entries from the /etc/sm directory to the /etc/sm.bak directory and notifies the corresponding statd of its recovery. The /etc/state file is generated by the rpc.statd daemon to record its version number; that is, the number of times the rpc.statd daemon was invoked. The version number is incremented each time the system crashes or recovers. The system sends this state number to status monitors on remote systems when it notifies them of a crash or recovery. RELATED INFORMATION
Commands: rpc.statd(8), rpc.lockd(8) delim off statmon(4)

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rpc.statd(8)						      System Manager's Manual						      rpc.statd(8)

rpc.statd - NSM status monitor SYNOPSIS
/sbin/rpc.statd [-F] [-d] [-?] [-n name ] [-o port ] [-p port ] [-V] DESCRIPTION
The rpc.statd server implements the NSM (Network Status Monitor) RPC protocol. This service is somewhat misnomed, since it doesn't actu- ally provide active monitoring as one might suspect; instead, NSM implements a reboot notification service. It is used by the NFS file locking service, rpc.lockd, to implement lock recovery when the NFS server machine crashes and reboots. Operation For each NFS client or server machine to be monitored, rpc.statd creates a file in /var/lib/nfs/statd/sm. When starting, it iterates through these files and notifies the peer rpc.statd on those machines. OPTIONS
-F By default, rpc.statd forks and puts itself in the background when started. The -F argument tells it to remain in the foreground. This option is mainly for debugging purposes. -d By default, rpc.statd sends logging messages via syslog(3) to system log. The -d argument forces it to log verbose output to stderr instead. This option is mainly for debugging purposes, and may only be used in conjunction with the -F parameter. -n, --name name specify a name for rpc.statd to use as the local hostname. By default, rpc.statd will call gethostname(2) to get the local hostname. Specifying a local hostname may be useful for machines with more than one interfaces. -o, --outgoing-port port specify a port for rpc.statd to send outgoing status requests from. By default, rpc.statd will ask portmap(8) to assign it a port number. As of this writing, there is not a standard port number that portmap always or usually assigns. Specifying a port may be useful when implementing a firewall. -p, --port port specify a port for rpc.statd to listen on. By default, rpc.statd will ask portmap(8) to assign it a port number. As of this writ- ing, there is not a standard port number that portmap always or usually assigns. Specifying a port may be useful when implementing a firewall. -? Causes rpc.statd to print out command-line help and exit. -V Causes rpc.statd to print out version information and exit. TCP_WRAPPERS SUPPORT This rpc.statd version is protected by the tcp_wrapper library. You have to give the clients access to rpc.statd if they should be allowed to use it. To allow connects from clients of the domain you could use the following line in /etc/hosts.allow: statd: You have to use the daemon name statd for the daemon name (even if the binary has a different name). For further information please have a look at the tcpd(8) and hosts_access(5) manual pages. FILES
/var/lib/nfs/statd/sm/state /var/lib/nfs/statd/sm/* /var/lib/nfs/statd/sm.bak/* SEE ALSO
rpc.nfsd(8), portmap(8) AUTHORS
Jeff Uphoff <> Olaf Kirch <> H.J. Lu <> Lon Hohberger <> 08 Mar 2001 rpc.statd(8)
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