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directories(4) [osf1 man page]

Directories(4)						     Kernel Interfaces Manual						    Directories(4)

Directories - Contains queued requests for file transfers and command executions on remote systems SYNOPSIS
/usr/spool/uucp/SystemName DESCRIPTION
The /usr/spool/uucp/SystemName directories are the uucp program spooling directories on the local system. The uucp program creates a Sys- temName directory for each system listed in the /usr/adm/uucp/Systems file, including the local system. Each SystemName directory contains queued requests issued by local users for file transfers to remote systems and for command executions on remote systems. The uucp program uses several types of administrative files to transfer data between systems. These files are stored in the SystemName directories. They are: Contain directions for the uucico daemon concerning file transfers. Contain data to be sent to remote systems by the uucico daemon. Contain instructions for running commands on remote systems. Contain data files after their transfer to the remote system until the uucp program can deliver them to their final destinations (usually the /usr/spool/uucppublic directory). RELATED INFORMATION
Daemons: uucico(8), uusched(8), uuxqt Commands: uucp(1), uux(1) delim off Directories(4)

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Data(4) 						     Kernel Interfaces Manual							   Data(4)

Data - Contains data to be sent to remote systems SYNOPSIS
/usr/spool/uucp/LocalSystemName/D.SystemNamexxxx### DESCRIPTION
Data (D.*) files contain the data to be sent to remote systems by the uucp uucico daemon. The full pathname of a data file is a form of the following: /usr/spool/uucp/SystemName/D.SystemNamexxxx### where the SystemName directory and the SystemName portion of the file name indicate the name of the remote system. The xxxx### notation is the hexadecimal sequence number of the Command (C.*) file associated with that data file; for example, D.venus471afd8. After a set period of time (specified by the uusched daemon), the uucico daemon transfers the data file to the designated system. It places the original data file in a subdirectory of the uucp spooling directory named /usr/spool/uucp/SystemName, where the SystemName directory is named for the computer that is transmitting the file, and creates a Temporary (TM.*) file to hold the original data file. After receiving the entire file, the uucp program takes one of three actions: If the file was sent with the uucp command and there were no transfer problems, the program immediately renames the TM.* file with the appropriate data filename, such as D.venus471afd8, and sends it to the specified destination. If the file was sent with the uuto command, the uucp program also renames the temporary data file with the appropriate D.* filename. It then places the data file in the public directory /usr/spool/uucppublic, where the user receives the data file and handles it with one of the uupick command options. If there were transfer problems (such as a failed login or an unavailable device), the temporary data file remains in the spooling subdirectory. The uudemon.cleanu command, a shell script, removes these files automatically at specified intervals, or they can be removed manually. FILES
Describes accessible remote systems Contains uucp command, data, and execute files Contain instructions for file transfers Store data files temporarily after they have been transferred to a remote system Contain files that the uucp program has transferred RELATED INFORMATION
Daemons: uucico(8), uusched(8), uuxqt Commands: uucp(1), uupick(1), uuto(1), uux(1), uudemon(4) delim off Data(4)
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