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binlog.auth(4) [osf1 man page]

binlog.auth(4)						     Kernel Interfaces Manual						    binlog.auth(4)

binlog.auth - authorization file for accepting remote binlog messages SYNOPSIS
# format: Each fully qualified host name on a separate line hostname.domain_name DESCRIPTION
The /etc/binlog.auth file specifies which remote hosts are allowed to forward binlog messages to the local host. For the sake of security, only messages coming from remote hosts listed in the local /etc/binlog.auth file will be logged by the binlogd daemon. Each remote host name should appear in a separate line in /etc/binlog.auth. A line started with the # character is considered as a comment and is thus ignored. A host name must be a complete domain name such as If a domain host name is given, it must either appear in the local /etc/hosts file or be able to be resolved by the name server. Note that a host name can have at most as many characters as defined by the MAXHOSTNAMELEN constant in <sys/param.h>, although each line in the /etc/binlog.auth file can have up to 512 characters. The /etc/binlog.auth file must be owned by root and has a permission of 0600. If the /etc/binlog.auth file does not exist or it exists but is empty or has no valid remote host names in it, the system will assume no remote host is allowed to forward binlog messages to the local host. To invoke a new version of the /etc/binlog.auth file, run the following command (as the super user) to re-initialize the binlogd daemon: kill -HUP `cat /var/run/` EXAMPLES
The following example provides a typical authorization file: # format: Each fully qualified host name on a separate line FILES
Location of the authorization file. RELATED INFORMATION
Commands: binlogd(8) System Administration delim off binlog.auth(4)

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PAM_RHOSTS(8)							 Linux-PAM Manual						     PAM_RHOSTS(8)

pam_rhosts - The rhosts PAM module SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION
This module performs the standard network authentication for services, as used by traditional implementations of rlogin and rsh etc. The authentication mechanism of this module is based on the contents of two files; /etc/hosts.equiv (or and ~/.rhosts. Firstly, hosts listed in the former file are treated as equivalent to the localhost. Secondly, entries in the user's own copy of the latter file is used to map "remote-host remote-user" pairs to that user's account on the current host. Access is granted to the user if their host is present in /etc/hosts.equiv and their remote account is identical to their local one, or if their remote account has an entry in their personal configuration file. The module authenticates a remote user (internally specified by the item PAM_RUSER connecting from the remote host (internally specified by the item PAM_RHOST). Accordingly, for applications to be compatible this authentication module they must set these items prior to calling pam_authenticate(). The module is not capable of independently probing the network connection for such information. OPTIONS
debug Print debug information. silent Don't print informative messages. superuser=account Handle account as root. MODULE TYPES PROVIDED
Only the auth module type is provided. RETURN VALUES
PAM_AUTH_ERR The remote host, remote user name or the local user name couldn't be determined or access was denied by .rhosts file. PAM_USER_UNKNOWN User is not known to system. EXAMPLES
To grant a remote user access by /etc/hosts.equiv or .rhosts for rsh add the following lines to /etc/pam.d/rsh: #%PAM-1.0 # auth required auth required auth required auth required SEE ALSO
rootok(3), hosts.equiv(5), rhosts(5), pam.conf(5), pam.d(5), pam(7) AUTHOR
pam_rhosts was written by Thorsten Kukuk <> Linux-PAM Manual 06/04/2011 PAM_RHOSTS(8)
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