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xmbdrawimagestring(3x11) [osf1 man page]

XmbDrawImageString(3X11)												  XmbDrawImageString(3X11)

XmbDrawImageString, XwcDrawImageString - draw image text using a single font set SYNOPSIS
void XmbDrawImageString(display, d, font_set, gc, x, y, string, num_bytes) Display *display; Drawable d; XFontSet font_set; GC gc; int x, y; char *string; int num_bytes; void XwcDrawImageString(display, d, font_set, gc, x, y, string, num_wcharsp) Display *display; Drawable d; XFontSet font_set; GC gc; int x, y; wchar_t *string; int num_wchars; ARGUMENTS
Specifies the drawable. Specifies the connection to the X server. Specifies the font set. Specifies the GC. Specifies the number of bytes in the string argument. Specifies the number of characters in the string argument. Specifies the character string. Specify the x and y coordinates. DESCRIPTION
The XmbDrawImageString and XwcDrawImageString functions fill a destination rectangle with the background pixel defined in the GC and then paint the text with the foreground pixel. The filled rectangle is the rectangle returned to overall_logical_return by XmbTextExtents or XwcTextExtents for the same text and XFontSet. When the XFontSet has missing charsets, each unavailable character is drawn with the default string returned by XCreateFontSet. The behav- ior for an invalid codepoint is undefined. SEE ALSO
XDrawImageString(3X11), XDrawString(3X11), XDrawText(3X11), XmbDrawString(3X11), XmbDrawText(3X11) Xlib -- C Language X Interface XmbDrawImageString(3X11)

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XmbDrawImageString(3X11)					  XLIB FUNCTIONS					  XmbDrawImageString(3X11)

XmbDrawImageString, XwcDrawImageString, Xutf8DrawImageString - draw image text using a single font set SYNTAX
void XmbDrawImageString(display, d, font_set, gc, x, y, string, num_bytes) Display *display; Drawable d; XFontSet font_set; GC gc; int x, y; char *string; int num_bytes; void XwcDrawImageString(display, d, font_set, gc, x, y, string, num_wchars) Display *display; Drawable d; XFontSet font_set; GC gc; int x, y; wchar_t *string; int num_wchars; void Xutf8DrawImageString(display, d, font_set, gc, x, y, string, num_bytes) Display *display; Drawable d; XFontSet font_set; GC gc; int x, y; char *string; int num_bytes; ARGUMENTS
d Specifies the drawable. display Specifies the connection to the X server. font_set Specifies the font set. gc Specifies the GC. num_bytes Specifies the number of bytes in the string argument. num_wchars Specifies the number of characters in the string argument. string Specifies the character string. x y Specify the x and y coordinates. DESCRIPTION
The XmbDrawImageString, XwcDrawImageString and Xutf8DrawImageString functions fill a destination rectangle with the background pixel defined in the GC and then paint the text with the foreground pixel. The filled rectangle is the rectangle returned to overall_logi- cal_return by XmbTextExtents, XwcTextExtents or Xutf8TextExtents for the same text and XFontSet. When the XFontSet has missing charsets, each unavailable character is drawn with the default string returned by XCreateFontSet. The behav- ior for an invalid codepoint is undefined. The function Xutf8TextExtents is an XFree86 extension introduced in XFree86 4.0.2. Its presence is indicated by the macro X_HAVE_UTF8_STRING. SEE ALSO
XDrawImageString(3X11), XDrawString(3X11), XDrawText(3X11), XmbDrawString(3X11), XmbDrawText(3X11) Xlib - C Language X Interface X Version 11 Release 6.6 XmbDrawImageString(3X11)
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