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xmmessageboxgetchild(3x) [osf1 man page]

XmMessageBoxGetChild(3X)												  XmMessageBoxGetChild(3X)

XmMessageBoxGetChild - A MessageBox function that is used to access a component SYNOPSIS
#include <Xm/MessageB.h> Widget XmMessageBoxGetChild (widget, child) Widget widget; unsigned char child; DESCRIPTION
XmMessageBoxGetChild is used to access a component within a MessageBox. The parameters given to the function are the MessageBox widget and a value indicating which component to access. Specifies the MessageBox widget ID. Specifies a component within the MessageBox. The fol- lowing are legal values for this parameter: XmDIALOG_CANCEL_BUTTON XmDIALOG_DEFAULT_BUTTON XmDIALOG_HELP_BUTTON XmDIALOG_MESSAGE_LABEL XmDIALOG_OK_BUTTON XmDIALOG_SEPARATOR XmDIALOG_SYMBOL_LABEL For a complete definition of MessageBox and its associated resources, see XmMessageBox(3X). RETURN VALUE
Returns the widget ID of the specified MessageBox component. An application should not assume that the returned widget will be of any par- ticular class. SEE ALSO
XmMessageBox(3X) XmMessageBoxGetChild(3X)

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XmCreateTemplateDialog(3X)												XmCreateTemplateDialog(3X)

XmCreateTemplateDialog - A MessageBox TemplateDialog convenience creation function SYNOPSIS
#include <Xm/MessageB.h> Widget XmCreateTemplateDialog (parent, name, arglist, argcount) Widget parent; String name; ArgList arglist; Cardinal argcount; DESCRIPTION
XmCreateTemplateDialog is a convenience creation function that creates a DialogShell and an unmanaged MessageBox child of the DialogShell. The MessageBox widget's XmNdialogType resource is set to XmDIALOG_TEMPLATE. By default, the TemplateDialog widget contains only the sepa- rator child. You can build a customized dialog by adding children to the TemplateDialog. You can create the standard MessageBox pushbuttons, Cancel, Help, and OK, by specifying the associated callback and label string resources. Setting XmNsymbolPixmap or XmNmessageString creates a symbol or message label. Use XtManageChild to pop up the TemplateDialog (passing the MessageBox as the widget parameter); use XtUnmanageChild to pop it down. Spec- ifies the parent widget ID Specifies the name of the created widget Specifies the argument list Specifies the number of attribute/value pairs in the argument list (arglist) For a complete definition of MessageBox and its associated resources, see XmMessageBox(3X). RETURN VALUE
Returns the MessageBox widget ID. SEE ALSO
XmMessageBox(3X) XmCreateTemplateDialog(3X)
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