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xmcommandsetvalue(3x) [osf1 man page]

XmCommandSetValue(3X)													     XmCommandSetValue(3X)

XmCommandSetValue - A Command function that replaces a displayed string SYNOPSIS
#include <Xm/Command.h> void XmCommandSetValue (widget, command) Widget widget; XmString command; DESCRIPTION
XmCommandSetValue replaces the string displayed in the command area of the Command widget with the passed XmString. Specifies the Command widget ID Specifies the passed XmString For a complete definition of Command and its associated resources, see XmCommand(3X). SEE ALSO
XmCommand(3X) XmCommandSetValue(3X)

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XmListReplaceItems(3X)													    XmListReplaceItems(3X)

XmListReplaceItems - A List function that replaces the specified elements in the list SYNOPSIS
#include <Xm/List.h> void XmListReplaceItems (widget, old_items, item_count, new_items) Widget widget; XmString *old_items; int item_count; XmString *new_items; DESCRIPTION
XmListReplaceItems replaces each specified item of the list with a corresponding new item. When the items are inserted into the list, they are compared with the current XmNselectedItems list. If any of the new items matches an item on the selected list, it appears selected. Specifies the ID of the List widget Specifies the items to be replaced Specifies the number of items in old_items and new_items This number must be non-negative. Specifies the replacement items Every occurrence of each element of old_items is replaced with the corresponding element from new_items. That is, the first element of old_items is replaced with the first element of new_items. The second element of old_items is replaced with the second element of new_items, and so on until item_count is reached. For a complete definition of List and its associated resources, see XmList(3X). SEE ALSO
XmList(3X) XmListReplaceItems(3X)
Man Page

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