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tis_mutex_destroy(3) [osf1 man page]

tis_mutex_destroy(3)					     Library Functions Manual					      tis_mutex_destroy(3)

tis_mutex_destroy - Destroys the specified mutex object. LIBRARY
Standard C Library (, libc.a) SYNOPSIS
#include <tis.h> int tis_mutex_destroy( pthread_mutex_t *mutex); STANDARDS
Address of the mutex object (passed by reference) to be destroyed. DESCRIPTION
This routine destroys a mutex object by uninitializing it, and should be called when a mutex object is no longer referenced. After this routine is called, DECthreads can reclaim internal storage used by the mutex object. It is safe to destroy an initialized mutex that is unlocked. However, it is illegal to destroy a locked mutex object. The results of this routine are unpredictable if the mutex object specified in the mutex argument does not currently exist, or is not ini- tialized. RETURN VALUES
If an error condition occurs, this routine returns an integer value indicating the type of error. Possible return values are as follows: Successful completion. An attempt was made to destroy the object referenced by mutex while it is locked or referenced. The value speci- fied by mutex is invalid. The caller does not have privileges to perform the operation. ERRORS
Functions: tis_mutex_init(3), tis_mutex_lock(3), tis_mutex_trylock(3), tis_mutex_unlock(3) Manuals: Guide to DECthreads and Programmer's Guide delim off tis_mutex_destroy(3)

Check Out this Related Man Page

tis_mutex_trylock(3)					     Library Functions Manual					      tis_mutex_trylock(3)

tis_mutex_trylock - Attempts to lock the specified mutex. LIBRARY
Standard C Library (, libc.a) SYNOPSIS
#include <tis.h> int tis_mutex_trylock( pthread_mutex_t *mutex); STANDARDS
Address of the mutex (passed by reference) to be locked. DESCRIPTION
This routine attempts to lock the specified mutex mutex. When this routine is called, an attempt is made immediately to lock the mutex. If the mutex is successfully locked, zero (0) is returned. If the specified mutex is already locked when this routine is called, the caller does not wait for the mutex to become available. [EBUSY] is returned, and the thread does not wait to acquire the lock. RETURN VALUES
If an error condition occurs, this routine returns an integer value indicating the type of error. Possible return values are as follows: Successful completion. The mutex is already locked; therefore, it was not acquired. The value specified by mutex is invalid. ERRORS
Functions: tis_mutex_destroy(3), tis_mutex_init(3), tis_mutex_lock(3), tis_mutex_unlock(3) Manuals: Guide to DECthreads and Programmer's Guide delim off tis_mutex_trylock(3)
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