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whereis(1) [osf1 man page]

whereis(1)						      General Commands Manual							whereis(1)

whereis - Locates files for programs SYNOPSIS
whereis [-bms] [-u] [-BMS directory... -f] program... The whereis command locates source, binary, and/or reference page files for the specified program program. OPTIONS
The -b, -m, and -s options can be used in combination to restrict the search. Searches for an executable program. Searches for the refer- ence page for a program. Searches for the sources of a program. Use the -B, -M, and -S options to change or limit the places whereis searches. Specifies the binary directories to search. Specifies the reference page directories to search. Specifies the source directories to search. The other options that can be used with whereis are as follows: Terminates the last directory list and signals the start of program names. Used with other options to indicate when there is no file for program in the default or specified directory or directories (source, binary, or reference page). DESCRIPTION
The whereis program locates source, binary, and reference pages for the specified programs. When looking for a match, the program names are stripped of leading pathname components and any trailing extensions of the form (for example, s. resulting from the use of the Source Code Control System see sccs(1), are also handled. The default directories searched by the whereis command are as follows: /etc /etc/nls /sbin /usr/bin /usr/lbin /usr/lbin/spell /usr/ccs/lib /usr/lib /usr/local /usr/hosts /usr/sbin EXAMPLES
To find files matching cat in the default source, binary, and reference directories, enter: whereis cat To search for reference pages for app13 in the directory /usr/local/man, enter: whereis -M /usr/local/man -f -f appl3 To find the programs in /usr/bin that do not have ref- erence pages in /usr/share/man/man1 with source files in /usr/src/cmd, enter: whereis -u -M /usr/share/man/man1 -S /usr/src/cmd -f /usr/bin/* To find which files in the current directory either have no reference pages in the default reference directories or have more than one, enter: whereis -m -u * FILES
Default binary directories. Default binary directories. Default reference directories. Default source directories. SEE ALSO
Commands: apropos(1), find(1), man(1), which(1), catman(8) whereis(1)

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WHEREIS(1)							   User Commands							WHEREIS(1)

whereis - locate the binary, source, and manual page files for a command SYNOPSIS
whereis [-bmsu] [-BMS directory... -f] filename... DESCRIPTION
whereis locates source/binary and manuals sections for specified files. The supplied names are first stripped of leading pathname compo- nents and any (single) trailing extension of the form .ext, for example, .c. Prefixes of s. resulting from use of source code control are also dealt with. whereis then attempts to locate the desired program in a list of standard Linux places. OPTIONS
-b Search only for binaries. -m Search only for manual sections. -s Search only for sources. -u Search for unusual entries. A file is said to be unusual if it does not have one entry of each requested type. Thus `whereis -m -u *' asks for those files in the current directory which have no documentation. -B Change or otherwise limit the places where whereis searches for binaries. -M Change or otherwise limit the places where whereis searches for manual sections. -S Change or otherwise limit the places where whereis searches for sources. -f Terminate the last directory list and signals the start of file names, and must be used when any of the -B, -M, or -S options are used. EXAMPLE
Find all files in /usr/bin which are not documented in /usr/man/man1 with source in /usr/src: example% cd /usr/bin example% whereis -u -M /usr/man/man1 -S /usr/src -f * FILES
/{bin,sbin,etc} /usr/{lib,bin,old,new,local,games,include,etc,src,man,sbin, X386,TeX,g++-include} /usr/local/{X386,TeX,X11,include,lib,man,etc,bin,games,emacs} SEE ALSO
chdir(2V) BUGS
Since whereis uses chdir(2V) to run faster, pathnames given with the -M, -S, or -B must be full; that is, they must begin with a `/'. whereis has a hard-coded path, so may not always find what you're looking for. AVAILABILITY
The whereis command is part of the util-linux package and is available from util-linux July 2009 WHEREIS(1)
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