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jdic2txt(1) [osf1 man page]

jim_convert(1)						      General Commands Manual						    jim_convert(1)

jim_convert, jdic2txt, jsy2vjetxt, jsy2wxtxt, txt2jdic, vje2jsytxt, wx2jsytxt - Convert Japanese text and dictionary files between the JSY, WX, and VJE input methods SYNOPSIS
/usr/i18n/bin/jdic2txt [-v] [jsy-dictionary-filename] /usr/i18n/bin/jsy2vjetxt [jsy-text-filename] [vje-text-filename] /usr/i18n/bin/jsy2wxtxt [jsy-text-filename] [wx-text-filename] /usr/i18n/bin/txt2jdic [[-a] jsy-dictionary-filename] /usr/i18n/bin/vje2jsytxt [vje-text-filename] [jsy-text-filename] /usr/i18n/bin/wx2jsytxt [wx-text-filename] [jsy-text-filename] OPTIONS
Prints conversion statistics to stderr. Appends conversion results to an existing dictionary rather than creating a new dictionary. OPERANDS
Specifies the name of a JSY dictionary file. Specifies the name of a text file in JSY format. Specifies the name of the text file in VJE format. Specifies the name of a text file in WX format. DESCRIPTION
Three Japanese input methods are used on a Tru64 UNIX system: the JSY input method (Compaq), the WX input method (A.I. Soft Company), and the VJE input method (VACS Company). Software for the JSY input method is available in optional Tru64 UNIX subsets for Japanese language support. Software for the other two Japanese input methods is included only with the Japanese Tru64 UNIX product that is sold in Japan. Each of these input methods uses a specialized dictionary for conversion between Kana and Kanji characters. This fact makes it difficult for users to migrate their personal dictionaries from one input method to another, or to create a customized dictionary from a text source file for an existing dictionary. The converters described on this reference page help support customization and migration of private user dictionaries for Kana-Kanji conversion. The converters described on this reference page can be used in combination with utilities supplied with third-party software to migrate Kana-Kanji dictionaries from one input method to another. For the jsy2vjetxt, jsy2wxtxt, vje2jsytxt, and wx2jsytxt converters, both file operands are optional. If neither file is specified, stdin and stdout are used as input and output. If only one file is specified, that file is used as input and stdout is used as output. For the jdic2txt converter, stdin is used as input if the dictionary operand is omitted. The conversion results are always sent to stdout. For the txt2jdic converter, stdin is used as input. If the dictionary file argument is omitted, results are sent to stdout. The following diagrams show how the process for text file and dictionary conversion differs, depending on the input method format. In these diagrams, wx3ent and wx31st are utilities packaged with the WX input method software, and vuty is a utility packaged with the VJE input method software. The following diagrams show the process for converting dictionaries to text files using the same input method format: Text file in JSY format -> txt2jdic -> JSY dictionary JSY dictionary -> jdic2txt -> Text file in JSY format Text file in WX format -> wx3ent -> WX dictionary WX dictionary -> wx31st -> Text file in WX format Text file in VJE format -> vuty -> VJE dictionary VJE dictionary -> vuty -> Text file in VJE format The following diagrams show the process for converting text files from one input method format to another: Text file in JSY format -> jsy2wxtxt -> Text file in WX format Text file in JSY format -> jsy2vjetxt -> Text file in VJE format Text file in WX format -> wx2jsytxt -> Text file in JSY format Text file in VJE format -> vje2jsytxt -> Text file in JSY format The following diagrams show the process for converting dictionaries from one input method to another: JSY dict. -> jdic2txt -> jsy2wxtxt -> wx3ent -> WX dict. JSY dict. -> jdic2txt -> jsy2vjetxt -> vuty -> VJE dict. WX dict. -> wx31st -> wx2jsytxt -> txt2jdic -> JSY dict. VJE dict. -> vuty -> vje2jsytxt -> txt2jdic -> JSY dict. FILES
Directory where converters reside. SEE ALSO
Japanese(5) jim_convert(1)
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