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unlinkb(9f) [opensolaris man page]

unlinkb(9F)						   Kernel Functions for Drivers 					       unlinkb(9F)

unlinkb - remove a message block from the head of a message SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/stream.h> mblk_t *unlinkb(mblk_t *mp); INTERFACE LEVEL
Architecture independent level 1 (DDI/DKI). PARAMETERS
mp Pointer to the message. DESCRIPTION
The unlinkb() function removes the first message block from the message pointed to by mp. A new message, minus the removed message block, is returned. RETURN VALUES
If successful, the unlinkb() function returns a pointer to the message with the first message block removed. If there is only one message block in the message, NULL is returned. CONTEXT
The unlinkb() function can be called from user, interrupt, or kernel context. EXAMPLES
Example 1 unlinkb() example The routine expects to get passed an M_PROTO T_DATA_IND message. It will remove and free the M_PROTO header and return the remaining M_DATA portion of the message. 1 mblk_t * 2 makedata(mp) 3 mblk_t *mp; 4 { 5 mblk_t *nmp; 6 7 nmp = unlinkb(mp); 8 freeb(mp); 9 return(nmp); 10 } SEE ALSO
linkb(9F) Writing Device Drivers STREAMS Programming Guide SunOS 5.11 16 Jan 2006 unlinkb(9F)

Check Out this Related Man Page

rmvb(9F)						   Kernel Functions for Drivers 						  rmvb(9F)

rmvb - remove a message block from a message SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/stream.h> mblk_t *rmvb(mblk_t *mp, mblk_t *bp); INTERFACE LEVEL
Architecture independent level 1 (DDI/DKI). PARAMETERS
mp Message from which a block is to be removed. mblk_t is an instance of the msgb(9S) structure. bp Message block to be removed. DESCRIPTION
rmvb() removes a message block (bp) from a message (mp), and returns a pointer to the altered message. The message block is not freed, merely removed from the message. It is the module or driver's responsibility to free the message block. RETURN VALUES
If successful, a pointer to the message (minus the removed block) is returned. The pointer is NULL if bp was the only block of the message before rmvb() was called. If the designated message block (bp) does not exist, -1 is returned. CONTEXT
rmvb() can be called from user or interrupt context. EXAMPLES
This routine removes all zero-length M_DATA message blocks from the given message. For each message block in the message, save the next message block (line 10). If the current message block is of type M_DATA and has no data in its buffer (line 11), then remove it from the message (line 12) and free it (line 13). In either case, continue with the next message block in the message (line 16). 1 void 2 xxclean(mp) 3 mblk_t *mp; 4 { 5 mblk_t *tmp; 6 mblk_t *nmp; 7 8 tmp = mp; 9 while (tmp) { 10 nmp = tmp->b_cont; 11 if ((tmp->b_datap->db_type == M_DATA) && (tmp->b_rptr == tmp->b_wptr)) { 12 (void) rmvb(mp, tmp); 13 freeb(tmp); 14 } 15 tmp = nmp; 16 } 17 } SEE ALSO
freeb(9F), msgb(9S) Writing Device Drivers STREAMS Programming Guide SunOS 5.10 11 Apr 1991 rmvb(9F)
Man Page

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