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rarp(7p) [opensolaris man page]

rarp(7P)							     Protocols								  rarp(7P)

rarp, RARP - Reverse address resolution protocol DESCRIPTION
You use the RARP protocol to map dynamically between the Internet Protocol (IP) and network interface MAC addresses. RARP is often used to boot a Solaris client. RARP clients include the SPARC boot PROM, x86 boot floppy, SunOS kernel, and ifconfig(1M). in.rarpd(1M) provides the server-side implementation. RARP request timeout behavior in application-layer clients is governed by the /etc/inet/rarp default file. To tune the number of retries an application attempts before giving up, set the RARP_RETRIES variable in /etc/inet/rarp. If the file is not present or RARP_RETRIES is not initialized within it, applications retry a maximum of five times with a eight second wait between retries. FILES
/etc/inet/rarp ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +------------------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +------------------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability (protocol) | Standard | +------------------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability (defaults file) | Unstable | +------------------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability (RARP_RETRIES) | Unstable | +------------------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
ifconfig(1M), in.rarpd(1M), arp(7P) Reverse Address Resolution Protocol RFC 903. June, 1984 R. Finlayson, T. Mann, J.C. Mogul, M. Theimer SunOS 5.11 28 May 2005 rarp(7P)

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rarp(7P)							     Protocols								  rarp(7P)

rarp, RARP - Reverse address resolution protocol DESCRIPTION
You use the RARP protocol to map dynamically between the Internet Protocol (IP) and network interface MAC addresses. RARP is often used to boot a Solaris client. RARP clients include the SPARC boot PROM, x86 boot floppy, SunOS kernel, and ifconfig(1M). in.rarpd(1M) provides the server-side implementation. RARP request timeout behavior in application-layer clients is governed by the /etc/inet/rarp default file. To tune the number of retries an application attempts before giving up, set the RARP_RETRIES variable in /etc/inet/rarp. If the file is not present or RARP_RETRIES is not initialized within it, applications retry a maximum of five times with a eight second wait between retries. FILES
/etc/inet/rarp ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +------------------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +------------------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability (protocol) | Standard | +------------------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability (defaults file) | Unstable | +------------------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability (RARP_RETRIES) | Unstable | +------------------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
ifconfig(1M), in.rarpd(1M), arp(7P) Reverse Address Resolution Protocol RFC 903. June, 1994 R. Finlayson, T. Mann, J.C. Mogul, M. Theimer SunOS 5.10 8 Nov 2001 rarp(7P)
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