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tzmon(7d) [opensolaris man page]

tzmon(7d)							      Devices								 tzmon(7d)

tzmon - ACPI Thermal Zone Monitor DESCRIPTION
The tzmon is a pseudo driver that serves as an ACPI thermal zone monitor. Thermal zones are logical regions within a computer system for which ACPI performs temperature monitoring and control functions. The number of thermal zones on a system with ACPI support varies. For example, some systems may have one or more thermal zones, while others may have none. See the Advanced Configuration and Power Interface Specification, (ACPI) Version 3.0A. for more details. The tzmon handles thermal Zone events from ACPI and polls the temperature for each zone exposed by the ACPI implementation. If threshold temperatures are reached, tzmon takes appropriate action. For example, if the temperature is sufficiently high and the ACPI implementation supports it, tzmon initiates system shutdown. Note that by default, system temperature control functions are usually performed by the BIOS and may supersede tzmon functions, depending on the BIOS implementation. Also, many ACPI implementations expose no thermal zones and in these cases, tzmon performs no functions. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWckr | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Architecture |x86/x64 only | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface stability |Private | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
attributes(5) Advanced Configuration and Power Interface Specification, (ACPI), Version 3.0A. SunOS 5.11 31 Oct 2006 tzmon(7d)

Check Out this Related Man Page

ACPI(1) 						      General Commands Manual							   ACPI(1)

acpi - Shows battery status and other ACPI information SYNOPSIS
acpi [options] DESCRIPTION
acpi Shows information from the /proc or the /sys filesystem, such as battery status or thermal information. OPTIONS
-b | --battery show battery information -a | --ac-adapter show ac adapter information -t | --thermal show thermal information -c | --cooling show cooling device information -V | --everything show every device, overrides above options -s | --show-empty show non-operational devices -i | --details show additional details if available: * battery capacity information * temperature trip points -f | --fahrenheit use fahrenheit as the temperature unit instead of default celsius -k | --kelvin use kelvin as the temperature unit instead of default celsius -p | --proc use the old /proc interface, default is the new /sys one -d | --directory <dir> path to ACPI info (either /proc/acpi or /sys/class) -h | --help display help and exit -v | --version output version information and exit AUTHOR
The original version of this manual page was written by Paul Telford <> for the Debian system. Newer additions were done by Michael Meskes <>. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU GPL. ACPI(1)
Man Page

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