clconfiguration(5CL) Sun Cluster Standards, Environments, and Macros clconfiguration(5CL)
clconfiguration - describes the cluster DTD for the Sun Cluster configuration XML file
clconfiguration describes the Documentation Type Definition (DTD) for the Sun Cluster configuration eXtensible Markup Language (XML) file.
The Sun Cluster configuration file contains Sun Cluster configuration information tagged with XML elements. The file can contain configura-
tion information for one or more clusters, or even for a portion of a cluster. This Sun Cluster configuration information can be used for
many cluster functions, including cluster configuration backup and cluster duplication.
The DTD defines the elements, their relationships, and their attributes. The element names reflect the content that they provide. For
example, the element <devicegroup> defines cluster device groups. Elements might have attributes that are used to modify or refine their
properties or characteristics. Many of the object-oriented Sun Cluster commands include an export subcommand that exports cluster object
information in the format described in the DTD. Many Sun Cluster commands have the option to add, create, and modify Sun Cluster objects
through the use of cluster configuration XML data.
The following list provides the element hierarchy required by the DTD. This list uses the following defaults for children and attribute
required Unless otherwise specified, one or more is required.
optional Unless otherwise specified, there can be zero or one.
<-- Cluster -->
<-- Cluster Nodes -->
<-- Cluster Transport -->
<-- Cluster Global Devices -->
<-- Cluster Quorum -->
<-- Cluster Device Groups -->
<-- Cluster Resource Types -->
<-- Cluster Resources -->
<-- Cluster Resource Groups -->
<-- Cluster NAS Devices -->
<-- Cluster SNMP -->
<-- Cluster Telemetrics -->
This section lists and describes all of the elements that are defined in the cluster DTD. If an element has required children or
attributes, the required default is one. Optional elements default to zero or one.
A list of all member nodes in the cluster. The <allNodes> element is a generic element.
The <allNodes> element is used to denote all nodes of the cluster.
Parent: <resourcetypeNodeList>
Children: None
Attributes: None
The root element of a complete cluster configuration XML file. Every cluster configuration XML file must begin with this element as
the root. The DTD can accept only one <cluster> element. Subsequent <cluster> elements in the cluster configuration XML file are
Parent: None
Children: Optional:
o <propertyList>
o <nodeList>
o <clusterTransport>
o <deviceList>
o <clusterQuorum>
o <deviceGroupList>
o <resourcetypeList>
o <resourcegroupList>
o <resourceList>
o <nasdeviceList>
o <snmpmibList>
o <snmphostList>
o <snmpuserList>
Attributes: Required:
o name
The name of the cluster.
The root element of the cluster quorum configuration. All cluster quorum information is defined in the child elements of the <clus-
terQuorum> element.
Parent: <cluster>
Children: Optional:
o <quorumDeviceList>
o <quorumNodeList>
Attributes: None
The root element of the cluster transport configuration. All cluster transport information is displayed in a sublevel of the <cluster-
Transport> element.
Parent: <cluster>.
Children: Optional:
o <transportNodeList>
o <transportSwitchList>
o <transportCableList>
Attributes: None
A cluster device ID pseudo-driver (DID) device.
Parent: <deviceList>
Children: Optional:
<devicePath> (zero or more)
Attributes: Required:
o ctd
The UNIX disk name.
o name
The instance number of the device.
The root element of a cluster device-group instance. All aspects of an individual device group are defined in the child elements of the
<devicegroup> element.
Parent: <devicegroupList>
Children: Optional:
o <devicegroupNodeList>
o <memberDeviceList>
o <propertyList>
Attributes: Required:
o name
The name of the device group. The name attribute can be any valid sequence of characters.
o type
The type of the device group. The type attribute can have a value of rawdisk, vxvm, svm, or sds.
A list of all the cluster device groups.
Parent: <cluster>
Children: Optional:
o <devicegroup>
One <devicegroup> element can be used for each device group in the cluster.
Attributes: None
The node on which a device group is located.
Parent: <devicegroupNodeList>
Children: None
Attributes: Required:
o nodeRef
Specifies the name of a cluster node.
A list of nodes on which a device group is located.
Parent: <devicegroup> (1 or more)
Children: Required:
o <devicegroupNode> (1 or more)
Attributes: None
A list of cluster DID devices.
Parent: <cluster>
Children: Optional:
o <device>
Attributes: Fixed:
o readonly
The readonly attribute has a fixed value of true.
The node and disk device on which a particular <device> exists.
Parent: <device>
Children: None
Attributes: Required:
o nodeRef
The name of the node on which an instance exists.
One of the transport endpoints.
Parent: <transportCable>
Children: None
Attributes: Required:
o name
The name of the adapter or switch.
o nodeRef
The name of the node that hosts the specified adapter. The nodeRef attribute is required only if
the type attribute is set to adapter.
o type
The type attribute can be set to either adapter or switch.
If the type attribute is set to adapter, you must specify a nodeRef attribute.
If the type attribute is set to switch, you can specify a port attribute. However, the port
attribute is not required.
o port
The number of the port on the switch. Specify the port attribute only if the type attribute is
set to switch.
The failover mode of a resource group.
Parent: <resourcegroup>
Children: None
Attributes: Required:
o value
The value attribute can be set to failover or scalable.
Indicates whether a resource group is managed or unmanaged.
Parent: <resourcegroup>
Children: None
Attributes: Required:
o value
The value attribute can be either true or false.
The member name of a particular device group. If the <devicegroup> is a set of type rawdisk, then you must specify one or more <member>
elements, each with the name of the raw-disk path.
Parent: <memberDeviceList>
Children: None
Attributes: Required:
o name
The name of the member.
A list of device group members.
Parent: <devicegroup> (one or more)
Children: Required:
o <memberDevice>
Attributes: None
Mapping between a generic method type and the actual method name for a specific resource type.
Parent: <methodList>
Children: None
Attributes: Required:
o name
The actual name of the method for the resource type.
o type
The type of method for the resource type. You can specify the following types:
A list of all of the <method> elements that are available for a specific <resourcetype>.
Parent: <resourcetype>
Children: Optional:
o <method>
Attributes: Fixed:
o readonly
The readonly attribute has a fixed value of true.
A Boolean value that indicates a portion of an element's state in the cluster. For example, the <monitoredState> of a resource speci-
fies whether the resource is monitored, but does not specify whether the resource is available.
Parent: <resource>
Children: None
Attributes: Required:
o value
The value attribute can be set to true or false.
A single instance of a NAS device on the cluster.
Parent: <nasdeviceList>
Children: Optional:
o <nasdir>
Attributes: Required:
o name
The hostname of the NAS device.
o type
The type of NAS device. You must specify either sun or netapp.
o userid
The user name that is required to access the NAS device.
A list of all NAS devices on the cluster.
Parent: <cluster>
Children: Optional:
o <nasdevice>
Attributes: None
One directory on a NAS device. Each NAS device can have multiple NAS directories.
Parent: <nasdevice>
Children: None
Attributes: Required:
o path
The path to the NAS directory.
A cluster node. Specify one <node> element for each node in the cluster.
Parent: <nodeList>
Children: Optional:
o <propertyList>
Attributes: Required:
o name
Must be equal to the name of the node.
o globaldevfs
The path to the global mount directory.
o id
The cluster node ID. If not specified, the cluster node ID attribute is provided a default value
of an empty string.
A list of all nodes in the cluster.
Parent: <cluster>
Children: Optional:
o <node>
At least one node attribute must be supplied for each node on the cluster.
Attributes: None
A set of attributes that describes the <method> element timeout values and other parameters for a cluster resource type.
Parent: <parameterList>
Children: None
Attributes: Required:
o extension
The extension attribute can be set to true or false.
o name
The name of the parameter.
o tunability
The value of the parameter's tunability. The tunability attribute can be set to one of the fol-
lowing values: atCreation, anyTime, or whenDisabled.
o type
The type of the parameter. The type attribute can be set to one of the following values: bool-
ean, enum, int , string, or stringArray.
o default
The default value of this parameter if a value is not explicitly specified. For example, the
default for the method element timeout is START.
o description
A description of the parameter. If not defined, this attribute defaults to an empty string.
o enumList
An enumerated list of objects. For example, the attribute might be a list of failover modes in
order of preference.
o maxLength
The maximum length of a string or stringArray type parameter.
o minArrayLength
The minimum size of an stringArray type parameter.
o minLength
The minimum length of a string or stringArray type parameter.
A list of <parameter> elements that describes a resource type.
Parent: <resourcetype>
Children: Optional:
o <parameter>
Attributes: Fixed:
o readonly
The readonly attribute has a fixed value of true.
A generic element that describes one property. The property is not specific to any subset of cluster related configuration.
Parent: <propertyList>
Children: None
Attributes: Required:
o name
The name of the property.
o value
The value of the property.
o readonly
The readonly attribute can be set to true or false. If this value is not specified, the
attribute defaults to the value false.
o type
The property type.
A list of <property> elements. The <propertyList> element is a generic element.
Parents: <cluster>, <deviceGroup>, <node>, <quorumDevice>, <quorumNode>, <resource>, <resourceNode>, <resource-
group>, <resourceType>, <transportAdapter>, <transportType>
Children: Optional:
o <property>
Attributes: Optional:
o extension
This attribute can have one of the following values: true, false, mixed, or doesNotApply. If a
value is not specified, the extension attribute has a default value of doesNotApply.
o readonly
This attribute can have a value of true or false. If a value is not specified, the readonly
attribute has a default value of false.
An individual cluster quorum device.
Parent: <quorumDeviceList>
Children: Optional:
o <propertyList>
The <quorumDevice> element can have only one <propertyList> child.
o <quorumDevicePathList>
The <quorumDevice> element can have only one <quorumDevicePathList> child.
Attributes: Required:
o name
The name of the quorum device.
o type
The type of quorum device that is referenced by this element. The type attribute can be set to
netapp_nas, scsi, or quorum_server.
A list of all quorum devices in the cluster.
Parent: <clusterQuorum>
Children: Optional:
o <quorumDevice>
Attributes: None
The path to a cluster quorum device.
Parent: <quorumDevicePathList>
Children: Optional:
o <state>
The <quorumDevicePath> element can have only one <state> child.
Attributes: Required:
o nodeRef
The name of the node that the quorum device resides on.
A list of all paths to a particular <quorumDevice>.
Parent: <quorumDevice>
Children: Required:
o <quorumDevicePath>
Attributes: Fixed:
o readonly
The readonly attribute is set to true.
A node in the cluster that participates in the cluster quorum.
Parent: <quorumNodeList>
Children: Optional:
o <propertyList>
Attributes: Required:
o <nodeRef>
The name of the node.
A list of all nodes that participate in the cluster quorum. In a functional cluster that is not in installmode, this list typically
contains all nodes in the cluster. In a cluster that is still in installmode, this list might contain only one of the cluster nodes.
Parent: <clusterQuorum>
Children: Required:
o <quorumNode>
Attributes: Fixed:
o readonly
The readonly attribute is set to true.
A cluster resource.
Parent: <resourceList>
Children: Optional:
o <resourceNodeList>
o <propertyList>
Attributes: Required:
o name
The name of the resource.
o resourcegroupRef
The resource group to which the resource belongs.
o resourcetypeRef
The type of resource that is described by this element.
A list of the root node for the cluster resources that are defined in the configuration.
Parent: <cluster>
Children: Optional:
o <resource>
Attributes: None
A cluster resource group.
Parent: <resourcegroupList>
Children: Required:
o <failoverMode>
o <managedState>
o <resourcegroupNodeList>
o <resourcegroupResourceList>
o <propertyList>
Attributes: Required:
o name
The name of the resource.
The root node for the cluster resource groups that are defined in the configuration.
Parent: <cluster>
Children: Optional:
o <resourcegroup>
Attributes: None
The node on which a resource group is defined.
Parent: <resourcegroupNodeList>
Children: None
Attributes: Required:
o nodeRef
The name of the cluster node.
o Zone
The name of the zone.
The cluster nodes on which a particular resource group operates.
Parent: <resourcegroup>
Children: Required:
o <resourcegroupNode>
Attributes: None
A cluster resource that belongs to a particular resource group.
Parent: <resourcegroupResourceList>
Children: None
Attributes: Required:
o resourceRef
The name of the resource.
A list of the resources that are defined in a resource group.
Parent: <resourcegroup>
Children: Optional:
o <resourcegroupResource>
Attributes: None
The node on which a resource is defined.
Parent: <resourceNodeList>
Children: Required:
o <state>
o <monitoredState>
o <propertyList>
Attributes: Required:
o nodeRef
The name of the resource type.
o zone
The name of the zone.
A cluster resource type that is available in the cluster.
Parent: <resourcetypeList>
Children: Optional:
o <resourcetypeRTRFile>
o <resourcetypeNodeList>
o <methodList>
o <parameterList>
o <propertyList>
Attributes: Required:
o name
The name of the resource type.
The root node of the cluster resource types that are defined in the configuration.
Parent: <cluster>
Children: Optional:
o <resourcetype>
Attributes: None
A node on which a resource type is defined.
Parent: <resourcetypeNodeList>
Children: None
Attributes: Required:
o nodeRef
The name of the cluster node.
A list of the cluster nodes on which a particular resource type exists.
Parent: <resourcetype>
Children: Required : The <resourcetypeNodeList> element must contain either one or more <resourcetypeNode> elements
or exactly one <allNodes> element.
o <resourcetypeNode>
o <allNodes>
Attributes: None
The name of a resource type registration (RTR) file that describes a particular resource type.
Parent: <resourcetype>
Children: None
Attributes: Required:
o name
The name of the RTR file.
The SNMP host and community that are configured on a cluster node.
Parent: <snmphostList>
Children: None
Attributes: Required:
o community
The SNMP community name.
o name
The name of the instance.
o nodeRef
The node on which the SNMP host and community exist.
A list of the SNMP hosts and communities that are configured on a cluster node.
Parent: <cluster>
Children: Optional:
o <snmphost>
Attributes: None
An SNMP MIB that is on a cluster node.
Parent: <snmpmibList>
Children: Optional:
o state
Attributes: Required:
o name
The name of the MIB.
o nodeRef
The node on which the SNMP MIB exists.
o protocol
The SNMP protocol that the MIB will use. This attribute defaults to SNMPv2.
o value
SNMPv3 or SNMPv2
A list of the SNMP MIBs that are on a cluster node.
Parent: <cluster>
Children: Optional:
o <snmpmib>
Attributes: None
The SNMPv3 user that is configured on a cluster node.
Parent: <snmpuserList>
Children: None
Attributes: Required:
o name
The name of the user.
o nodeRef
The node on which the SNMPv3 user exists.
o auth
The auth attribute can be set to MD5 or SHA.
o defaultUser
The defaultUser attribute can be set to yes or no. If a value is not specified, the attribute
defaults to whichever value is appropriate, based on the node configuration.
o defaultSecurityLevel
The security level of the user. The security attribute can be set to one of the following val-
o authPriv
o authNoPriv
o noAuthNoPriv
A list of the SNMPv3 users that are configured on a cluster node.
Parent: <cluster>
Children: <snmpuser>
Attributes: None
The state of various objects within the cluster configuration. The <state> element is a generic element.
Parent: <quorumDevicePath>, <resourceNode>, <snmpmib>, <telemetryAttribute>, <transportAdapter>, <transportCable>,
Children: None
Attributes: Required:
o value
The value attribute can be set to enabled or disabled.
Cluster monitoring thresholds
Parent: <cluster>
Children: Optional:
o <telemetryObjectType>
Attributes: None
The attributes of system resources that you can monitor.
Parent: <telemetryObjectType>
Children: Required:
o <state> (1 or more)
Attributes: Required:
o name
The name of the attribute.
The types of objects you can monitor.
Parent: <telemetrics>
Children: Required:
o <telemetryAttibute>
Attributes: Required:
o name
The name of the attribute.
A network adapter that is used in the private cluster transport.
Parent: <transportNode>
Children: Optional:
o <state>
o <transportType>
o <propertyList>
Attributes: Required:
o name
The name of the network adapter.
A network cable that is used in the private cluster transport. The cable does not necessarily imply a physical cable, but rather a
path between two <endpoint> elements.
Parent: <transportCableList>
Children: Required:
o <endpoint>
The <transportCable> element must have two <endpoint> elements. Each endpoint element must
describe one of the cable endpoints.
o <state>
The <transportCable> element can have one <state> element.
Attributes: None
A list of the network cables that are used to connect two cluster <endpoint> elements.
Parent: <clusterTransport>
Children: Optional:
o <transportCable>
Attributes: None
One of the cluster nodes that is used in the private cluster transport. Specify one <transportNode> element for each node of the clus-
Parent: <transportNodeList>
Children: Optional:
o <nodeRef>
Attributes: Required:
o transportAdapterList
The name of the cluster node.
A list of the nodes that are used in the private cluster transport. This list of nodes always contains the same set of nodes as the
members of the cluster.
Parent: <clusterTransport>
Children: Optional:
o <transportNode>
Attributes: None
A cluster transport switch.
Parent: <transportSwitchList>
Children: Optional:
o <state>
Attributes: Required:
o name
The name of the transport switch.
o port
The number of the port on the switch.
A list of the network switches that are used by the private cluster transport system.
Parent: <clusterTransport>
Children: Optional:
o <transportSwitch>
Attributes: None
The type of network transport that is used for a <transportAdapter> element.
Parent: <transportAdapter>
Children: Optional:
o <propertyList>
Attributes: Required:
o value
The value attribute can be set to dlpi or rsm.
The document type definition (DTD) file that defines the structure of the Sun Cluster configuration XML file.
Intro(1CL), cluster(1CL)
Sun Cluster 3.2 10 Sep 2007 clconfiguration(5CL)