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eqnchar(5) [opensolaris man page]

eqnchar(5)						Standards, Environments, and Macros						eqnchar(5)

eqnchar - special character definitions for eqn SYNOPSIS
eqn /usr/share/lib/pub/eqnchar filename | troff options neqn /usr/share/lib/pub/eqnchar filename | troff options DESCRIPTION
The eqnchar command contains nroff(1) and troff(1) character definitions for constructing characters that are not available on the Graphic Systems typesetter. These definitions are primarily intended for use with eqn(1) and neqn(1). It contains definitions for the characters listed in the following table. To view the special characters, see the online man page on or a print copy. FILES
/usr/share/lib/pub/eqnchar ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWdoc | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
eqn(1), nroff(1), troff(1), attributes(5) SunOS 5.11 12 Jul 2002 eqnchar(5)

Check Out this Related Man Page

tbl(1)								   User Commands							    tbl(1)

tbl - format tables for nroff or troff SYNOPSIS
tbl [-me] [-mm] [-ms] [filename]... DESCRIPTION
tbl is a preprocessor for formatting tables for nroff(1) or troff(1). The input filenames are copied to the standard output, except that lines between .TS and .TE command lines are assumed to describe tables and are reformatted. If no arguments are given, tbl reads the standard input, so tbl may be used as a filter. When tbl is used with eqn(1) or neqn, the tbl command should be first, to minimize the volume of data passed through pipes. OPTIONS
-me Copy the -me macro package to the front of the output file. -mm Copy the -mm macro package to the front of the output file. -ms Copy the -ms macro package to the front of the output file. EXAMPLES
Example 1: Using tbl As an example, letting `@' (at-sign) represent a TAB, which should be typed as an actual TAB character in the input file .TS c s s c c s c c c l n n. Household Population Town@Households @Number@Size Bedminster@789@3.26 Bernards Twp.@3087@3.74 Bernardsville@2018@3.30 Bound Brook@3425@3.04 Branchburg@1644@3.49 .TE yields Household Population Town Households Number Size Bedminster 789 3.26 Bernards Twp. 3087 3.74 Bernardsville 2018 3.30 Bound Brook 3425 3.04 Branchburg 1644 3.49 FILES
/usr/share/lib/tmac/e -me macros /usr/share/lib/tmac/m -mm macros /usr/share/lib/tmac/s -ms macros ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWdoc | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
eqn(1), nroff(1), troff(1), attributes(5) SunOS 5.10 2 Aug 1994 tbl(1)
Man Page

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