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serialports(4) [opensolaris man page]

serialports(4)						     Sun Cluster File Formats						    serialports(4)

serialports - name to serial port database SYNOPSIS
/etc/serialports serialports NIS or NIS+ maps DESCRIPTION
The serialports database maps a name to a server name and TCP port number that represents the serial port connected to the specified termi- nal server host. The database is typically used to map host names to their consoles, but may also be used to provide access to printers, modems, and the like. The mapping is used when the service is being provided by a network based terminal concentrator. For each name a sin- gle line should be present with the following information: host-name concentrator-hostname tcp-port-number Items are separated by any number of blanks or TAB characters. A pound sign (#)indicates the beginning of a comment. Characters between the pound sign and the end of the line are not interpreted by routines that search the file. This information is used by the cconsole or cssh command to establish connection to a group of consoles of a cluster of network hosts. The names that are used in this database must be host names, as used in the /etc/inet/hosts database. To support Secure Shell connections to node consoles through the cssh command, specify in the /etc/serialports file the name of the con- sole-access device and the Secure Shell port number for each node. If you use the default Secure Shell configuration on the console-access device, specify port number 22. For E10000 nodes, the entries are different. This is because E10000 uses netcon for console purposes, which operates over a network and executes on the SSP. The following is the generic format for the entry. hostname SSPname 23 The database is available from either the NIS or NIS+ maps or a local file. Lookup order is specified by the serialports entry in the /etc/nsswitch.conf file, if present. If no search order is specified, the default order is nis files. EXAMPLES
Example 1 A Sample /etc/serialports File The following is an example /etc/serialports file: # Network host to port database # NFS server cluster mercury planets-tc 5001 venus planets-tc 5002 # E10000 server cluster cashews nuts-ssp-1 23 pecans nuts-ssp-2 23 Example 2 A Sample /etc/nsswitch.conf File Entry The following is a typical /etc/nsswitch.conf entry: serialports: nis files FILES
/etc/serialports /etc/nsswitch.conf ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWscdev | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |Uncommitted | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
cconsole(1M), chosts(1M), cports(1M), cssh(1M), clusters(4), nsswitch.conf(4), attributes(5) Sun Cluster 3.2 8 Sep 2007 serialports(4)

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netid(4)							   File Formats 							  netid(4)

netid - netname database SYNOPSIS
/etc/netid DESCRIPTION
The netid file is a local source of information on mappings between netnames (see secure_rpc(3NSL)) and user ids or hostnames in the local domain. The netid file can be used in conjunction with, or instead of, the network source: NIS or NIS+. The publickey entry in the nss- witch.conf (see nsswitch.conf(4)) file determines which of these sources will be queried by the system to translate netnames to local user ids or hostnames. Each entry in the netid file is a single line of the form: netname uid:gid, gid, gid... or netname 0:hostname The first entry associates a local user id with a netname. The second entry associates a hostname with a netname. The netid file field descriptions are as follows: netname The operating system independent network name for the user or host. netname has one of two formats. The format used to specify a host is of the form: unix.hostname@domain where hostname is the name of the host and domain is the network domain name. The format used to specify a user id is of the form: unix.uid@domain where uid is the numerical id of the user and domain is the network domain name. uid The numerical id of the user (see passwd(4)). When specifying a host name, uid is always zero. group The numerical id of the group the user belongs to (see group(4)). Several groups, separated by commas, may be listed for a single uid. hostname The local hostname (see hosts(4)). Blank lines are ignored. Any part of a line to the right of a `#' symbol is treated as a comment. EXAMPLES
Example 1 A sample netid file. Here is a sample netid file: unix.789@West.Sun.COM 789:30,65 unix.123@Bldg_xy.Sun.COM 123:20,1521 unix.candlestick@campus1.bayarea.EDU 0:candlestick FILES
/etc/group groups file /etc/hosts hosts database /etc/netid netname database /etc/passwd password file /etc/publickey public key database SEE ALSO
netname2user(3NSL), secure_rpc(3NSL), group(4), hosts(4), nsswitch.conf(4), passwd(4), publickey(4) SunOS 5.11 23 May 1994 netid(4)
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