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ps_pcontinue(3proc) [opensolaris man page]

ps_pstop(3PROC) 					 Process Control Library Functions					   ps_pstop(3PROC)

ps_pstop, ps_pcontinue, ps_lstop, ps_lcontinue, ps_lrolltoaddr, ps_kill - process and LWP control in libthread_db SYNOPSIS
#include <proc_service.h> ps_err_e ps_pstop(struct ps_prochandle *ph); ps_err_e ps_pcontinue(struct ps_prochandle *ph); ps_err_e ps_lstop(struct ps_prochandle *ph, lwpid_t lwpid); ps_err_e ps_lcontinue(struct ps_prochandle *ph, lwpid_t lwpid); ps_err_e ps_lrolltoaddr(struct ps_prochandle *ph, lwpid_t lwpid, psaddr_t go_addr, psaddr_t stop_addr); ps_err_e ps_kill(struct ps_prochandle *ph, int signum); DESCRIPTION
The ps_pstop() function stops the target process identified by ph, while the ps_pcontinue() function allows it to resume. The libthread_db() function uses ps_pstop() to freeze the target process while it is under inspection. Within the scope of any single call from outside libthread_db to a libthread_db routine, libthread_db will call ps_pstop(), at most once. If it does, it will call ps_pcon- tinue() within the scope of the same routine. The controlling process may already have stopped the target process when it calls libthread_db. In that case, it is not obligated to resume the target process when libthread_db calls ps_pcontinue(). In other words, ps_pstop() is mandatory, while ps_pcontinue() is advisory. After ps_pstop(), the target process must be stopped; after ps_pcontinue(), the target process may be running. The ps_lstop() and ps_lcontinue() functions stop and resume a single lightweight process (LWP) within the target process ph. The ps_lrolltoaddr() function is used to roll an LWP forward out of a critical section when the process is stopped. It is also used to run the libthread_db agent thread on behalf of libthread. The ps_lrolltoaddr() function is always called with the target process stopped, that is, there has been a preceding call to ps_pstop(). The specified LWP must be continued at the address go_addr, or at its current address if go_addr is NULL. It should then be stopped when its execution reaches stop_addr. This routine does not return until the LWP has stopped at stop_addr. The ps_kill() function directs the signal signum to the target process for which the handle is ph. It has the same semantics as kill(2). RETURN VALUES
PS_OK The call completed successfully. In the case of ps_pstop(), the target process is stopped. PS_BADLID For ps_lstop(), ps_lcontinue() and ps_lrolltoaddr(); there is no LWP with id lwipd in the target process. PS_ERR The function did not return successfully. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for description of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |MT Level |Safe | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
kill(2), libc_db(3LIB), proc_service(3PROC), attributes(5), threads(5) SunOS 5.11 22 Mar 2001 ps_pstop(3PROC)

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ps_pstop(3PROC) 					 Process Control Library Functions					   ps_pstop(3PROC)

ps_pstop, ps_pcontinue, ps_lstop, ps_lcontinue, ps_lrolltoaddr, ps_kill - process and LWP control in libthread_db SYNOPSIS
#include <proc_service.h> ps_err_e ps_pstop(struct ps_prochandle *ph); ps_err_e ps_pcontinue(struct ps_prochandle *ph); ps_err_e ps_lstop(struct ps_prochandle *ph, lwpid_t lwpid); ps_err_e ps_lcontinue(struct ps_prochandle *ph, lwpid_t lwpid); ps_err_e ps_lrolltoaddr(struct ps_prochandle *ph, lwpid_t lwpid, psaddr_t go_addr, psaddr_t stop_addr); ps_err_e ps_kill(struct ps_prochandle *ph, int signum); DESCRIPTION
The ps_pstop() function stops the target process identified by ph, while the ps_pcontinue() function allows it to resume. The libthread_db() function uses ps_pstop() to freeze the target process while it is under inspection. Within the scope of any single call from outside libthread_db to a libthread_db routine, libthread_db will call ps_pstop(), at most once. If it does, it will call ps_pcon- tinue() within the scope of the same routine. The controlling process may already have stopped the target process when it calls libthread_db. In that case, it is not obligated to resume the target process when libthread_db calls ps_pcontinue(). In other words, ps_pstop() is mandatory, while ps_pcontinue() is advisory. After ps_pstop(), the target process must be stopped; after ps_pcontinue(), the target process may be running. The ps_lstop() and ps_lcontinue() functions stop and resume a single lightweight process (LWP) within the target process ph. The ps_lrolltoaddr() function is used to roll an LWP forward out of a critical section when the process is stopped. It is also used to run the libthread_db agent thread on behalf of libthread. The ps_lrolltoaddr() function is always called with the target process stopped, that is, there has been a preceding call to ps_pstop(). The specified LWP must be continued at the address go_addr, or at its current address if go_addr is NULL. It should then be stopped when its execution reaches stop_addr. This routine does not return until the LWP has stopped at stop_addr. The ps_kill() function directs the signal signum to the target process for which the handle is ph. It has the same semantics as kill(2). RETURN VALUES
PS_OK The call completed successfully. In the case of ps_pstop(), the target process is stopped. PS_BADLID For ps_lstop(), ps_lcontinue() and ps_lrolltoaddr(); there is no LWP with id lwipd in the target process. PS_ERR The function did not return successfully. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for description of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |MT Level |Safe | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
kill(2), libc_db(3LIB), proc_service(3PROC), attributes(5), threads(5) SunOS 5.11 22 Mar 2001 ps_pstop(3PROC)
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