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scds_get_netaddr_list(3ha) [opensolaris man page]

scds_get_netaddr_list(3HA)				 Sun Cluster HA and Data Services				scds_get_netaddr_list(3HA)

scds_get_netaddr_list - get the network addresses used by a resource SYNOPSIS
cc [flags...] -I /usr/cluster/include file -L /usr/cluster/lib -l dsdev #include <rgm/libdsdev.h> scha_err_t scds_get_netaddr_list(scds_handle_t handle, scds_netaddr_list_t **netaddr_list DESCRIPTION
The scds_get_netaddr_list() function returns all hostname, port, and protocol combinations that are in use by the resource. These combina- tions are derived by combining the Port_list property settings on the resource with all the hostnames in use by the resource, as returned by the scds_get_rs_hostnames() function. Use scds_get_netaddr_list() in a fault monitor to monitor the resource, and to derive the list of hostnames, ports, and protocols that are in use by the resource . Values for the protocol type are defined in header file <rgm/libdsdev.h>. Free the memory that is allocated and returned by this function with scds_free_netaddr_list(). PARAMETERS
The following parameters are supported: handle The handle that is returned by scds_initialize() netaddr_list The list of hostnames, ports, and protocols that are used by the resource group RETURN VALUES
The scds_get_netaddr_list() function returns the following values: 0 The function succeeded. nonzero The function failed. ERRORS
SCHA_ERR_NOERR Indicates that the function succeeded Other values Indicate that the function failed. See scha_calls(3HA) for the meaning of failure codes. FILES
/usr/cluster/include/rgm/libdsdev.h Include file /usr/cluster/lib/ Library ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes. +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWscdev | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |Evolving | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
scds_free_netaddr_list(3HA), scds_get_rs_hostnames(3HA), scha_calls(3HA), r_properties(5), attributes(5) Sun Cluster 3.2 7 Sep 2007 scds_get_netaddr_list(3HA)

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scds_print_netaddr_list(3HA)				 Sun Cluster HA and Data Services			      scds_print_netaddr_list(3HA)

scds_print_netaddr_list - print the contents of a list of hostname-port-protocol 3-tuples used by a resource group SYNOPSIS
cc [flags...] -I /usr/cluster/include file -L /usr/cluster/lib -l dsdev #include <rgm/libdsdev.h> void scds_print_netaddr_list(scds_handle_t handle, int debug_level, constscds_netaddr_list_t *netaddr_list DESCRIPTION
The scds_print_netaddr_list() function writes the contents of a list of hostname-port-protocol 3-tuples, pointed to by netaddr_list, to the system log, at the debugging level specified by debug_level. If the specified debugging level is greater than the debugging level currently being used, no information is written. PARAMETERS
The following parameters are supported: handle The handle returned from scds_initialize(3HA) debug_level The debugging level at which the data is to be written netaddr_list Pointer to a list of hostname-port-protocol 3-tuples used by the resource group, retrieved with scds_get_netaddr_list(3HA) FILES
/usr/cluster/include/rgm/libdsdev.h Include file /usr/cluster/lib/ Library ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWscdev | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |Evolving | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
scds_get_netaddr_list(3HA), scds_initialize(3HA), scds_syslog_debug(3HA), attributes(5) Sun Cluster 3.2 7 Sep 2007 scds_print_netaddr_list(3HA)
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