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field_opts_on(3curses) [opensolaris man page]

form_field_opts(3CURSES)				     Curses Library Functions					  form_field_opts(3CURSES)

form_field_opts, set_field_opts, field_opts_on, field_opts_off, field_opts - forms field option routines SYNOPSIS
cc [ flag... ] file... -lform -lcurses [ library... ] #include <form.h> int set_field_opts(FIELD *field, OPTIONS opts); int set_field_opts(FIELD *field, OPTIONS opts); int field_opts_on(FIELD *field, OPTIONS opts); int field_opts_off(FIELD *field, OPTIONS opts); OPTIONS field_opts(FIELD *field); DESCRIPTION
set_field_opts() turns on the named options of field and turns off all remaining options. Options are boolean values that can be OR-ed together. field_opts_on() turns on the named options; no other options are changed. field_opts_off() turns off the named options; no other options are changed. field_opts() returns the options set for field. O_VISIBLE The field is displayed. O_ACTIVE The field is visited during processing. O_PUBLIC The field contents are displayed as data is entered. O_EDIT The field can be edited. O_WRAP Words not fitting on a line are wrapped to the next line. O_BLANK The whole field is cleared if a character is entered in the first position. O_AUTOSKIP Skip to the next field when the current field becomes full. O_NULLOK A blank field is considered valid. O_STATIC The field buffers are fixed in size. O_PASSOK Validate field only if modified by user. RETURN VALUES
set_field_opts, field_opts_on and field_opts_off return one of the following: E_OK The function returned successfully. E_SYSTEM_ERROR System error. E_CURRENT The field is the current field. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |MT-Level |Unsafe | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
curses(3CURSES), forms(3CURSES), attributes(5) NOTES
The header <form.h> automatically includes the headers <eti.h> and <curses.h>. SunOS 5.11 31 Dec 1996 form_field_opts(3CURSES)

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form_field_opts(3CURSES)				     Curses Library Functions					  form_field_opts(3CURSES)

form_field_opts, set_field_opts, field_opts_on, field_opts_off, field_opts - forms field option routines SYNOPSIS
cc [ flag... ] file... -lform -lcurses [ library... ] #include <form.h> int set_field_opts(FIELD *field, OPTIONS opts); int set_field_opts(FIELD *field, OPTIONS opts); int field_opts_on(FIELD *field, OPTIONS opts); int field_opts_off(FIELD *field, OPTIONS opts); OPTIONS field_opts(FIELD *field); DESCRIPTION
set_field_opts() turns on the named options of field and turns off all remaining options. Options are boolean values that can be OR-ed together. field_opts_on() turns on the named options; no other options are changed. field_opts_off() turns off the named options; no other options are changed. field_opts() returns the options set for field. O_VISIBLE The field is displayed. O_ACTIVE The field is visited during processing. O_PUBLIC The field contents are displayed as data is entered. O_EDIT The field can be edited. O_WRAP Words not fitting on a line are wrapped to the next line. O_BLANK The whole field is cleared if a character is entered in the first position. O_AUTOSKIP Skip to the next field when the current field becomes full. O_NULLOK A blank field is considered valid. O_STATIC The field buffers are fixed in size. O_PASSOK Validate field only if modified by user. RETURN VALUES
set_field_opts, field_opts_on and field_opts_off return one of the following: E_OK The function returned successfully. E_SYSTEM_ERROR System error. E_CURRENT The field is the current field. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |MT-Level |Unsafe | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
curses(3CURSES), forms(3CURSES), attributes(5) NOTES
The header <form.h> automatically includes the headers <eti.h> and <curses.h>. SunOS 5.10 31 Dec 1996 form_field_opts(3CURSES)
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