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tcgetsid(3c) [opensolaris man page]

tcgetsid(3C)						   Standard C Library Functions 					      tcgetsid(3C)

tcgetsid - get process group ID for session leader for controlling terminal SYNOPSIS
#include <termios.h> pid_t tcgetsid(int fildes); DESCRIPTION
The tcgetsid() function obtains the process group ID of the session for which the terminal specified by fildes is the controlling terminal. RETURN VALUES
Upon successful completion, tcgetsid() returns the process group ID associated with the terminal. Otherwise, a value of (pid_t)-1 is returned and errno is set to indicate the error. ERRORS
The tcgetsid() function will fail if: EACCES The fildes argument is not associated with a controlling terminal. EBADF The fildes argument is not a valid file descriptor. ENOTTY The file associated with fildes is not a terminal. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |Standard | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |MT-Level |MT-Safe | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
attributes(5), standards(5), termio(7I) SunOS 5.11 14 Aug 2002 tcgetsid(3C)

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tcgetsid(3C)															      tcgetsid(3C)

tcgetsid() - get terminal session ID SYNOPSIS
The function returns the value of the session ID of the foreground process associated with the terminal referenced by fildes. is allowed from a process that is a member of a background process group (see termio(7)). RETURN VALUE
Upon successful completion, returns the value of the session ID of the foreground process associated with the terminal referenced by fildes. Otherwise, returns a value of and sets to indicate the error. ERRORS
If the function fails, it sets (see errno(2)) to one of the following values: [EACCES] The file associated with fildes is the controlling terminal of the calling process; however, there is no foreground process group defined for the controlling terminal. [EBADF] fildes is not a valid file descriptor. [ENOTTY] The file associated with fildes is not the controlling terminal or the calling process does not have a controlling terminal. SEE ALSO
getsid(2), setsid(2), tcgetpgrp(3C), thread_safety(5). tcgetsid(3C)
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