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libpurple-client(3) [opensolaris man page]

libpurple-client(3)						C Library Functions					       libpurple-client(3)

libpurple-client - FreeDesktop vector graphics library DESCRIPTION
D-Bus bindings library for libpurple. FILES
The following files are used: /usr/lib/ DBus bindings library for libpurple ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWgnome-im-client | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface stability |Volatile | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
pidgin(1), libpurple(3), attributes(5), gnome-interfaces(5) NOTES
Written by Rick Ju, Sun Microsystems Inc., 2008. SunOS 5.11 28 Jul 2008 libpurple-client(3)

Check Out this Related Man Page

TELEPATHY-HAZE(8)						  D-Bus services						 TELEPATHY-HAZE(8)

telepathy-haze - Telepathy connection manager using libpurple SYNOPSIS
/usr/libexec/telepathy-haze DESCRIPTION
Haze implements the Telepathy D-Bus specification using libpurple, allowing Telepathy clients like empathy(1) to connect to any protocol supported by pidgin(1). It is a D-Bus service which runs on the session bus, and should usually be started automatically by D-Bus activation. However, it might be useful to start it manually for debugging. OPTIONS
There are no command-line options. ENVIRONMENT
HAZE_DEBUG=type May be set to "all" for full debug output, or various undocumented options (which may change from release to release) to filter the output. HAZE_PERSIST=1 If set, Haze will not automatically close itself after five seconds without any connections. HAZE_LOGFILE=filename If set, all debugging output will be written to filename rather than to the terminal. SEE ALSO, empathy(1), pidgin(1) Telepathy October 2007 TELEPATHY-HAZE(8)
Man Page

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