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_lwp_info(2) [opensolaris man page]

_lwp_info(2)							   System Calls 						      _lwp_info(2)

_lwp_info - return the time-accounting information of a single LWP SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/lwp.h> int _lwp_info(struct lwpinfo *buffer); DESCRIPTION
The _lwp_info() function fills the lwpinfo structure pointed to by buffer with time-accounting information pertaining to the calling LWP. This call may be extended in the future to return other information to the lwpinfo structure as needed. The lwpinfo structure in <sys/lwp.h> includes the following members: timestruc_t lwp_utime; timestruc_t lwp_stime; The lwp_utime member is the CPU time used while executing instructions in the user space of the calling LWP. The lwp_stime member is the CPU time used by the system on behalf of the calling LWP. RETURN VALUES
Upon successful completion, _lwp_info() returns 0 and fills in the lwpinfo structure pointed to by buffer. ERRORS
If the following condition is detected, _lwp_info() returns the corresponding value: EFAULT The buffer argument points to an illegal address. Additionally, the _lwp_info() function will fail for 32-bit interfaces if: EOVERFLOW The size of the tv_sec member of the timestruc_t type pointed to by lwp_utime and lwp_stime is too small to contain the cor- rect number of seconds. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |MT-Level |Async-Signal-Safe | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
times(2), attributes(5) SunOS 5.11 8 Aug 2001 _lwp_info(2)

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_lwp_cond_wait(2)						   System Calls 						 _lwp_cond_wait(2)

_lwp_cond_wait, _lwp_cond_timedwait, _lwp_cond_reltimedwait - wait on a condition variable SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/lwp.h> int _lwp_cond_wait(lwp_cond_t *cvp, lwp_mutex_t *mp); int _lwp_cond_timedwait(lwp_cond_t *cvp, lwp_mutex_t *mp, timestruc_t *abstime); int _lwp_cond_reltimedwait(lwp_cond_t *cvp, lwp_mutex_t *mp, timestruc_t *reltime); DESCRIPTION
These functions are used to wait for the occurrence of a condition represented by an LWP condition variable. LWP condition variables must be initialized to 0 before use. The _lwp_cond_wait() function atomically releases the LWP mutex pointed to by mp and causes the calling LWP to block on the LWP condition variable pointed to by cvp. The blocked LWP may be awakened by _lwp_cond_signal(2), _lwp_cond_broadcast(2), or when interrupted by delivery of a signal. Any change in value of a condition associated with the condition variable cannot be inferred by the return of _lwp_cond_wait() and any such condition must be re-evaluated. The _lwp_cond_timedwait() function is similar to _lwp_cond_wait(), except that the calling LWP will not block past the time of day speci- fied by abstime. If the time of day becomes greater than abstime, _lwp_cond_timedwait() returns with the error code ETIME. The _lwp_cond_reltimedwait() function is similar to _lwp_cond_wait(), except that the calling LWP will not block past the relative time specified by reltime. If the time of day becomes greater than the starting time of day plus reltime, _lwp_cond_reltimedwait() returns with the error code ETIME. The _lwp_cond_wait(), _lwp_cond_timedwait(), and _lwp_cond_reltimedwait() functions always return with the mutex locked and owned by the calling lightweight process. RETURN VALUES
Upon successful completion, 0 is returned. A non-zero value indicates an error. ERRORS
If any of the following conditions are detected, _lwp_cond_wait(), _lwp_cond_timedwait(), and _lwp_cond_reltimedwait() fail and return the corresponding value: EINVAL The cvp argument points to an invalid LWP condition variable or the mp argument points to an invalid LWP mutex. EFAULT The mp, cvp, or abstime argument points to an illegal address. If any of the following conditions occur, _lwp_cond_wait(), _lwp_cond_timedwait(), and _lwp_cond_reltimedwait() fail and return the corre- sponding value: EINTR The call was interrupted by a signal or fork(2). If any of the following conditions occur, _lwp_cond_timedwait() and _lwp_cond_reltimedwait() fail and return the corresponding value: ETIME The time specified inabstime or reltime has passed. EXAMPLES
Example 1 Use the _lwp_cond_wait() function in a loop testing some condition. The _lwp_cond_wait() function is normally used in a loop testing some condition, as follows: lwp_mutex_t m; lwp_cond_t cv; int cond; (void) _lwp_mutex_lock(&m); while (cond == FALSE) { (void) _lwp_cond_wait(&cv, &m); } (void) _lwp_mutex_unlock(&m); Example 2 Use the _lwp_cond_timedwait() function in a loop testing some condition. The _lwp_cond_timedwait() function is also normally used in a loop testing some condition. It uses an absolute timeout value as follows: timestruc_t to; lwp_mutex_t m; lwp_cond_t cv; int cond, err; (void) _lwp_mutex_lock(&m); to.tv_sec = time(NULL) + TIMEOUT; to.tv_nsec = 0; while (cond == FALSE) { err = _lwp_cond_timedwait(&cv, &m, &to); if (err == ETIME) { /* timeout, do something */ break; SENDwhom} } (void) _lwp_mutex_unlock(&m); This example sets a bound on the total wait time even though the _lwp_cond_timedwait() may return several times due to the condition being signalled or the wait being interrupted. Example 3 Use the _lwp_cond_reltimedwait() function in a loop testing some condition. The _lwp_cond_reltimedwait() function is also normally used in a loop testing some condition. It uses a relative timeout value as follows: timestruc_t to; lwp_mutex_t m; lwp_cond_t cv; int cond, err; (void) _lwp_mutex_lock(&m); while (cond == FALSE) { to.tv_sec = TIMEOUT; to.tv_nsec = 0; err = _lwp_cond_reltimedwait(&cv, &m, &to); if (err == ETIME) { /* timeout, do something */ break; } } (void) _lwp_mutex_unlock(&m); SEE ALSO
_lwp_cond_broadcast(2), _lwp_cond_signal(2), _lwp_kill(2), _lwp_mutex_lock(2), fork(2), kill(2) SunOS 5.11 13 Apr 2001 _lwp_cond_wait(2)
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