RESTART(1p) User Contributed Perl Documentation RESTART(1p)NAME
restart -- call bin/interchange "-"r with possible su
restart [-f]
The "restart" script just tries to execute "interchange" "-r" with the proper permissions. If the user is "root", a prompt will be made to
see if you want to start as the guessed user ID. (This is the contents of the $Global::VendRoot/_uid file.)
The "-f" flag prevents the prompt for superuser and forces quiet mode; this is how you might call Interchange from a system startup script.
SEE ALSO interchange(1),
Mike Heins
perl v5.14.2 2012-01-23 RESTART(1p)
Check Out this Related Man Page
interchangeconfig - Updates Debian specific Interchange configuration files
interchangeconfig reads and writes the Interchange configuration files /etc/interchange/features.cfg and /etc/interchange/settings.cfg.
The following settings can be changed with "interchangeconfig":
Whether to enable debug mode or not.
Whether to enable FullUrl configuration directive or not.
The Interchange Debian package uses a separate configuration file "/etc/interchange/robots.cfg" for the directives "RobotUA", "RobotIP"
and "RobotHost". It is recommended to include these settings so Interchange can distinguish between robots and ordinary users.
Whether to enable Swish search or not.
This setting determines if Interchange starts the SOAP server as well. This is only available if the Perl module SOAP::Lite is
You can choose different sets of server parameters ("low", "high" and "rpc"). Any store based on the foundation demo will change its
behaviour too. If "rpc" is selected, the Interchange server will run in PreFork mode.
Stefan Hornburg (Racke),
SEE ALSO interchange(1p)perl v5.14.2 2011-03-09 INTERCHANGECONFIG(1p)
FYI, the GCC compiler is available for OS X. This means you can easily compile all the super GCC opensource. You can see the GCC and other
projects <A HREF=>HERE</A>.<P>
Also, I looked into how OS X handles OS 9 applications. ... (12 Replies)
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if uptime | cut -d ',' -f 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 4 -gt 10 ; then
echo "yes"
this doesn't work and i've tried... (11 Replies)
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if no_of_processes (ps ax ¦ grep httpd) > 200
killall httpd... (14 Replies)
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Hi all.
I do have a script "" (app result is a file /opt/extract/appextract.txt)
I have no problems with stopping app
var1=`ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep MyApp | awk '{print $2}'`
kill -9 $var1
What I want to achieve is:
I start app, app is doing some extraction, after... (11 Replies)
I've got critical patching this weekend on 6 HP UX machines, back to back and the customer has requested to shutdown, and halt the machines and to bring it up at a later period. The thing is the servers are located offshore and we are just the support team. I have a special login thru a console... (16 Replies)
Hi to all.
My first message here, but i following you via twitter feed from many time...
The question:
I need to delay 5-10 seconds the shutdown command executed when the user click on the power off/reboot in their session or at login screen.
I need that because i have in the background a... (18 Replies)
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I'd like to set a cron job that runs a shell script every 30 minutes or so to restart a java based service if the memory gets above 80%. Any advice on how to do this?
Thanks in advance!
- Ryan (19 Replies)
Hi all
I have networker running on a RHEL 5.7 and over time it hangs. So the solution backup team proposed is to check if the process is hung, to stop and start it.
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i have the below script that we used to backup our DB using oracle's utility called RMAN. This has been working fine, but the issue is when the backup fails and we re-start it, it backups the whole thing again. Example.
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I am nearly tearing my hair out as Cron isn't running a script that should work.
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Please revert with... (10 Replies)
#This shell finds the pid of the hawkagent and kills and restarts to put the rulebase into effect
output=`ps aux|grep hawkagent`
#The set -- below helps to parse the above ps output into words and $2 gives the 2nd word which is pid
set -- $output
#Checks if pid of hawkagent... (12 Replies)