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offline(1p) [opensolaris man page]

OFFLINE(1p)						User Contributed Perl Documentation					       OFFLINE(1p)

offline -- Interchange offline database builder VERSION
# $Id: offline.PL,v 2.7 2007-08-09 13:40:57 pajamian Exp $ DESCRIPTION
Skeleton POD to avoid make errors. SEE ALSO
interchange(1), perl v5.14.2 2012-01-23 OFFLINE(1p)

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LOCALIZE(1p)						User Contributed Perl Documentation					      LOCALIZE(1p)

localize -- produce Interchange localization file from set of pages VERSION
# $Id: localize.PL,v 2.11 2007-08-09 13:40:57 pajamian Exp $ SYNOPSIS
"localize -l lg_CC [-d lg_CC] [-m file|-t] file [file2 file3 ...]" DESCRIPTION
Helps manage Interchange pages by finding, adding, and merging localization strings. OPTIONS
"-c" Rewrite [L] sections with [LC]text[do_DO]text[/do_dO], adjust file and data -- mutually exclusive with "-o". "-d lg_CC" Create default domain file with Locale lg_CC as prefix "-l lg_CC" Create file with Locale lg_CC as prefix. This is mandatory unless in -c mode with "-m" option. "-m file" Read existing information to merge from <file>. Can contain multiple locales. "-M" When in "-c" mode, prefix MM_ to make minimate_compatible; when in regular mode, strip MM_ from [LC] defs "-n" Don't write comments in the output. "-o" Rewrite [L] sections with [L msgNNNN], adjust file and data. Mutually exclusive with "-c". "-t" Two page mode, mutually exclusive with "-m." "-u dir" Directory with (UI) menu database files, e.g. "/usr/lib/interchange/lib/UI/pages/includes/menus". This can be used to include the menu titles in the output. lg_CC refers to the POSIX norm of specifying two-letter language and country codes to refer to a locale. Two-page mode requires two files (one for each language) to compare and merge into one locale definition. The merge file for the "-m" option should use the Perl reference form -- see the Interchange documentation for more information. If [L msg_key]default text[/L] keys are found, will produce a comment with the default text for reference. A backup file (filename.html.bak) is saved if "-o" is used, but only one level. Subsequent .bak files will be overwritten. SEE ALSO AUTHOR
Mike Heins and Stefan Hornburg perl v5.14.2 2012-01-23 LOCALIZE(1p)
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