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tdbtool(1m) [opensolaris man page]

TDBTOOL(1M)						    System Administration tools 					       TDBTOOL(1M)

tdbtool - manipulate the contents TDB files SYNOPSIS
This tool is part of the samba(1) suite. tdbtool a tool for displaying and altering the contents of Samba TDB (Trivial DataBase) files. Each of the commands listed below can be entered interactively or provided on the command line. COMMANDS
create TDBFILE Create a new database named TDBFILE. open TDBFILE Open an existing database named TDBFILE. erase Erase the current database. dump Dump the current database as strings. cdump Dump the current database as connection records. keys Dump the current database keys as strings. hexkeys Dump the current database keys as hex values. info Print summary information about the current database. insert KEY DATA Insert a record into the current database. move KEY TDBFILE Move a record from the current database into TDBFILE. store KEY DATA Store (replace) a record in the current database. show KEY Show a record by key. delete KEY Delete a record by key. list Print the current database hash table and free list. free Print the current database and free list. ! COMMAND Execute the given system command. first Print the first record in the current database. next Print the next record in the current database. quit Exit tdbtool. CAVEATS
The contents of the Samba TDB files are private to the implementation and should not be altered with tdbtool. VERSION
This man page is correct for version 3.0.25 of the Samba suite. AUTHOR
The original Samba software and related utilities were created by Andrew Tridgell. Samba is now developed by the Samba Team as an Open Source project similar to the way the Linux kernel is developed. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +--------------------+----------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +--------------------+----------------------+ |Availability | SUNWsmbar, SUNWsmbau | +--------------------+----------------------+ |Interface Stability | External | +--------------------+----------------------+ NOTES
Source for Samba is available on Samba(7) delivers the set of four SMF(5) services as can be seen from the following example: $ svcs samba wins winbind swat STATE STIME FMRI disabled Apr_21 svc:/network/samba:default disabled Apr_21 svc:/network/winbind:default disabled Apr_21 svc:/network/wins:default disabled Apr_21 svc:/network/swat:default where the services are: "samba" runs the smbd daemon managing the CIFS sessions "wins" runs the nmbd daemon enabling the browsing (WINS) "winbind" runs the winbindd daemon making the domain idmap "swat" Samba Web Administration Tool is a service providing access to browser-based Samba administration interface and on-line documentation. The service runs on software loopback network interface on port 901/tcp, i.e. opening "http://localhost:901/" in browser will access the SWAT service on local machine. Please note: SWAT uses HTTP Basic Authentication scheme where user name and passwords are sent over the network in clear text. In the SWAT case the user name is root. Transferring such sensitive data is advisable only on the software loopback network interface or over secure networks. Samba 3.0 01/19/2009 TDBTOOL(1M)

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LOG2PCAP(1)							   User Commands						       LOG2PCAP(1)

log2pcap - Extract network traces from Samba log files SYNOPSIS
log2pcap [-h] [-q] [logfile] [pcap_file] DESCRIPTION
This tool is part of the samba(7) suite. log2pcap reads in a samba log file and generates a pcap file (readable by most sniffers, such as ethereal or tcpdump) based on the packet dumps in the log file. The log file must have a log level of at least 5 to get the SMB header/parameters right, 10 to get the first 512 data bytes of the packet and 50 to get the whole packet. OPTIONS
-h If this parameter is specified the output file will be a hex dump, in a format that is readable by the text2pcap utility. -q Be quiet. No warning messages about missing or incomplete data will be given. logfile Samba log file. log2pcap will try to read the log from stdin if the log file is not specified. pcap_file Name of the output file to write the pcap (or hexdump) data to. If this argument is not specified, output data will be written to stdout. -h|--help Print a summary of command line options. EXAMPLES
Extract all network traffic from all samba log files: $ log2pcap < /var/log/* > trace.pcap Convert to pcap using text2pcap: $ log2pcap -h samba.log | text2pcap -T 139,139 - trace.pcap VERSION
This man page is correct for version 3.0 of the Samba suite. BUGS
Only SMB data is extracted from the samba logs, no LDAP, NetBIOS lookup or other data. The generated TCP and IP headers don't contain a valid checksum. SEE ALSO
text2pcap(1), ethereal(1) AUTHOR
The original Samba software and related utilities were created by Andrew Tridgell. Samba is now developed by the Samba Team as an Open Source project similar to the way the Linux kernel is developed. This manpage was written by Jelmer Vernooij. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +--------------------+----------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +--------------------+----------------------+ |Availability | SUNWsmbar, SUNWsmbau | +--------------------+----------------------+ |Interface Stability | External | +--------------------+----------------------+ NOTES
Source for Samba is available on Samba(7) delivers the set of four SMF(5) services as can be seen from the following example: $ svcs samba wins winbind swat STATE STIME FMRI disabled Apr_21 svc:/network/samba:default disabled Apr_21 svc:/network/winbind:default disabled Apr_21 svc:/network/wins:default disabled Apr_21 svc:/network/swat:default where the services are: "samba" runs the smbd daemon managing the CIFS sessions "wins" runs the nmbd daemon enabling the browsing (WINS) "winbind" runs the winbindd daemon making the domain idmap "swat" Samba Web Administration Tool is a service providing access to browser-based Samba administration interface and on-line documentation. The service runs on software loopback network interface on port 901/tcp, i.e. opening "http://localhost:901/" in browser will access the SWAT service on local machine. Please note: SWAT uses HTTP Basic Authentication scheme where user name and passwords are sent over the network in clear text. In the SWAT case the user name is root. Transferring such sensitive data is advisable only on the software loopback network interface or over secure networks. Samba 3.0 01/19/2009 LOG2PCAP(1)
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