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reinit(1f) [opensolaris man page]

reinit(1F)							   FMLI Commands							reinit(1F)

reinit - runs an initialization file SYNOPSIS
reinit filename DESCRIPTION
The reinit command is used to change the values of descriptors defined in the initialization file that was named when fmli was invoked and/or define additional descriptors. FMLI will parse and evaluate the descriptors in filename, and then continue running the current application. The argument filename must be the name of a valid FMLI initialization file. The reinit command does not re-display the introductory frame or change the layout of screen labels for function keys. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWcsu | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
attributes(5) SunOS 5.11 5 Jul 1990 reinit(1F)

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fmli(1) 							   User Commands							   fmli(1)

fmli - invoke FMLI SYNOPSIS
fmli [-a alias_file] [-c command_file] [-i initialization_file] filename... DESCRIPTION
The fmli command invokes the Form and Menu Language Interpreter and opens the frame(s) specified by the filename argument. The filename argument is the pathname of the initial frame definition file(s), and must follow the naming convention,, or for a menu, form or text frame respectively, where xxx is any string that conforms to UNIX system file naming conventions. The FMLI descrip- tor lifetime will be ignored for all frames opened by argument to fmli. These frames have a lifetime of immortal by default. OPTIONS
The following options are supported: -a alias_file If -a is specified, alias_file is the name of a file which contains lines of the form alias=pathname. Thereafter, $alias can be used in definition files to simplify references to objects or devices with lengthy pathnames, or to define a search path (similar to $PATH in the UNIX system shell). -c command_file If -c is specified, command_file is the name of a file in which default FMLI commands can be disabled, and new application-specific commands can be defined. The contents of command_file are reflected in the FMLI Command Menu. -i initialization_file If -i is specified, initialization_file is the name of a file in which the following characteristics of the application as a whole can be specified: - A transient introductory frame displaying product information - A banner, its position, and other elements of the banner line - Color attributes for all elements of the screen - Screen Labeled Keys (SLKs) and their layout on the screen. EXAMPLES
Example 1 Examples of the fmli command. To invoke fmli: example% fmli Menu.start where Menu.start is an example of filename named according to the file name conventions for menu definition files explained above. To invoke fmli and name an initialization file: example% fmli -i init.myapp Menu.start where init.myapp is an example of initialization_file. ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES
Variables LOADPFK Leaving this environment variable unset tells FMLI, for certain terminals like the AT&T 5620 and 630, to download its equivalent character sequences for using function keys into the terminal's programmable function keys, wiping out any settings the user may already have set in the function keys. Setting LOADPFK=NO in the environment will prevent this downloading. COLUMNS Can be used to override the width of the logical screen defined for the terminal set in TERM. For terminals with a 132-column mode, for example, invoking FMLI with the line COLUMNS=132 fmli frame-file will allow this wider screen width to be used. LINES Can be used to override the length of the logical screen defined for the terminal set in TERM. FILES
/usr/bin/fmli ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWcsu | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
vsig(1F), attributes(5) DIAGNOSTICS
If filename is not supplied to the fmli command, fmli returns the message: Initial object must be specified. If filename does not exist or is not readable, fmli returns an error message and exits. The example command line above returns the follow- ing message and exits: Can't open object "Menu.start" If filename exists, but does not start with one of the three correct object names (Menu., Form., or Text.) or if it is named correctly but does not contain the proper data, fmli starts to build the screen by putting out the screen labels for function keys, after which it flashes the message: I do not recognize that kind of object and then exits. SunOS 5.11 14 Sep 1992 fmli(1)
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