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clsetup(1cl) [opensolaris man page]

clsetup(1CL)						 Sun Cluster Maintenance Commands					      clsetup(1CL)

clsetup - configure Sun Cluster interactively SYNOPSIS
/usr/cluster/bin/clsetup -V /usr/cluster/bin/clsetup -? /usr/cluster/bin/clsetup [-f logfile] DESCRIPTION
The clsetup command provides the following configuration capabilities, depending on what state the cluster is in when you issue the com- mand. The user must be superuser to run this command. This command has no short form. o When you run the clsetup command at post-installation time, the command performs initial setup tasks, such as configuring quorum devices and resetting the installmode property. If you deselected automatic Quroum Configuration when you created the cluster using either scinstall or the cluster create command, then you must run the clsetup command immediately after the cluster has been installed. Ensure that all nodes have joined the cluster before you run the clsetup command and reset the installmode prop- erty. If you used automatic quorum configuration when you created the cluster, you do not need to run the clsetup command after clus- ter installation. The automatic quorum configuration feature also resets the installmode property of the cluster. You can issue this form of the clsetup command from any node in the cluster. o When you run the clsetup command during normal cluster operation, the scsetup command provides an interactive, menu-driven util- ity to perform cluster configuration tasks. The following are some of the cluster components which this utility administers: o Quorum o Resource groups o Data services o Cluster interconnect o Device groups and volumes o Private hostnames o New nodes o Other cluster properties You can issue this form of the clsetup command from any node in the cluster. o When you run the clsetup command from a node that is in noncluster mode, the clsetup command provides a menu-driven utility for changing and displaying the private IP address range. You must reboot all nodes into noncluster mode before you start this form of the clsetup utility. OPTIONS
The following options are supported: -? --help Prints help information for the command. -f logfile --file logfile Specifies the name of a log file to which commands can be logged. If this option is specified, most command sets generated by clsetup can br run and logged, or just logged, depending on user responses. -V --version Prints the version of the command set. No command line processing will be performed and the command will not enter into its interactive menu. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWsczu | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |Evolving | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
Intro(1CL), cldevicegroup(1CL), clnode(1CL), clquorum(1CL), clreslogicalhostname(1CL), clresourcegroup(1CL), clresourcetype(1CL), clressharedaddress(1CL), cluster(1CL), cltelemetryattribute(1CL) Sun Cluster 3.2 5 May 2006 clsetup(1CL)

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scversions(1M)						  System Administration Commands					    scversions(1M)

scversions - Sun Cluster version management SYNOPSIS
scversions [-c] DESCRIPTION
Note - Beginning with the Sun Cluster 3.2 release, Sun Cluster software includes an object-oriented command set. Although Sun Cluster software still supports the original command set, Sun Cluster procedural documentation uses only the object-oriented command set. For more infor- mation about the object-oriented command set, see the Intro(1CL) man page. The scversions command commits the cluster to a new level of functionality after a rolling-upgrade to new Sun Cluster software. With no arguments, the scversions command prints a message indicating whether a commitment is needed. OPERANDS
The following operands are supported: -c Commit the set of nodes that are currently active members of the cluster to the highest possible level of functionality. When you upgrade a node (either through upgrade to a new release of the product or by application of a patch) and boot it back into the cluster, some of the internal protocols on that node might have to run at lower versions in order to cooperate cor- rectly with other nodes in the cluster. When the cluster is in this state, some administrative actions might be disabled and some new functionality introduced in the upgrade might be unavailable. When you run this command once from any node after all nodes are upgraded, the cluster switches to the highest versions of internal protocols possible. Assuming that all nodes have the same Sun Cluster software installed at that time, all new func- tionality becomes available and any administrative restrictions are removed. If a node that has not been upgraded is an active member of the cluster at the time you run the -c option to scversions, the command has no effect because the cluster is already running at the highest possible level of functionality. If a node has not been upgraded and is not an active member of the cluster when you run the -c option to scversions (for exam- ple, if that node is down for maintenance), the internal protocols of the cluster are upgraded to the highest possible ver- sions. You might have to upgrade the node that was not an active member of the cluster to enable it to rejoin the cluster. EXIT STATUS
0 Success non-zero Failure ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWsczu | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |Evolving | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
scinstall(1M) Sun Cluster 3.2 17 Aug 2007 scversions(1M)
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