morse - A robotics simulator based upon the Blender Game Engine
morse [command] [options]
Morse, the Modular OpenRobots Simulation Engine, uses the Blender Game Engine to provide a general purpose robot simulator. A robot and
its environment are defined in Morse by creating a model in Blender. Actuator and sensor objects are attached to a model, and may be inter-
acted with via a variety of middleware protocols. Simulations can be programmed via Python scripts or inside of Blender itself. Currently
supported middleware includes YARP, MOOS, ROS, Pocoslibs, as well as a plain socket interface.
[None] Launches the simulator interface with a default scene
create filename
Creates a new empty scene and launches the simulator interface
run filename
Runs a simulation without loading the simulator interface
exec filename
Runs the given Python script with a default scene
check Checks the environment is correctly setup to run morse
help Displays information regarding the program
Displays the version number
SEE ALSO morseexec(1)blender(1)COPYRIGHT
2009-2010, LAAS-CNRS/ONERA ; 2010-2012, LAAS-CNRS
0.5.2 May 14, 2012 MORSE(1)
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morse - A robotics simulator based upon the Blender Game Engine
morse [command] [options]
Morse, the Modular OpenRobots Simulation Engine, uses the Blender Game Engine to provide a general purpose robot simulator. A robot and
its environment are defined in Morse by creating a model in Blender. Actuator and sensor objects are attached to a model, and may be inter-
acted with via a variety of middleware protocols. Simulations can be programmed via Python scripts or inside of Blender itself. Currently
supported middleware includes YARP, MOOS, ROS, Pocoslibs, as well as a plain socket interface.
[None] Launches the simulator interface with a default scene
create filename
Creates a new empty scene and launches the simulator interface
run filename
Runs a simulation without loading the simulator interface
exec filename
Runs the given Python script with a default scene
check Checks the environment is correctly setup to run morse
help Displays information regarding the program
Displays the version number
SEE ALSO morseexec(1)blender(1)COPYRIGHT
2009-2010, LAAS-CNRS/ONERA ; 2010-2012, LAAS-CNRS
0.5.2 May 14, 2012 MORSE(1)
Here's the problem...
I'm using a simulator on UNIX, and it requires a filename where bits are stored, it should read them out and do whatever with them at that point..
So what i'm trying to do is make a binary file on UNIX. On my PC i can use MSDEV, or any of my C++ compilers to generate a... (2 Replies)
I need unix simulator, b'coz all the time I am not able to do experiment with my server machine.... plz suggest some free unix simulator.. I am using windows Xp OS.
sweta. (2 Replies)
I need a very good unix simulator for Windows XP.
I have been using Cygwin for past 2 months,but since it has some problem in VI editor ,i need to get an alternative for that.
could u suggest an option for me?
Manu Surendran (11 Replies)
I am trying to learn Shell scripting in UNIX. Could Any one please suggest on how to get UNIX account or any other free stimulator available for download on which I can practice Unix shell script?
sam70 (9 Replies)
I am using the ns2.31 simulator in Ubuntu 9.04.
I have developed my program and when I simulate it (calling ns2 from Ubuntu default shell, that uses gcc), I notice that only 1 of the 2 processors available in my notebook seems to be used (simulations are very heavy and my notebook stays... (5 Replies)
Hi all,
Does anybody know how to build a cycle accurate simulator? I've looked at QEMU and SESC simulator, but they are only cycle accurate for the CPU part. I'm looking for a simulator which can estimate the performance including CPU and I/O. For example, when I configure the simulator by SSD... (2 Replies)
have been trying to create a 2 GB ramdisk (virtual) to run on my T-2000 simulator (Legion) which has sun4v architecture. I have a SPARC workstation which runs on sun4u architecture with Solaris 10.
I have created a ramdisk image using dd command, newfs, then used ufsrestore to restore the... (3 Replies)
I am working in Visual studio 2008 in which i have written the code in c++,qml,qt.Its a simulator application.
I would like to create a simulator with certain changes. In order to do that i have modified the code with few changes based on the preprocessor condition.
#define... (4 Replies)
I'm making an English to Morse Code translator and I was able to mostly get it all working by looking through older posts here; however, I have one small problem.
When I run it it's just printing spaces for where the characters should be. It runs the right amount of times, and if I try... (3 Replies)