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ufs.util(8) [opendarwin man page]

UFS.UTIL(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 					       UFS.UTIL(8)

ufs.util -- UFS file system utility SYNOPSIS
ufs.util [-m mountflag1 mountflag2 mountflag3 mountflag4] device node ufs.util [-p mountflag1 mountflag2 mountflag3 mountflag4] device ufs.util [-ksu] device ufs.util [-n] device name DESCRIPTION
The ufs.util command supports the mounting, probing, and unmounting of UFS file systems. Options: -k get UUID key -m mountflag1 mountflag2 mountflag3 mountflag4 mount -n set name -p mountflag1 mountflag2 mountflag3 mountflag4 probe for mounting -s set UUID key -u unmount mountflags above are either: o removable or fixed o readonly or writeable o suid or nosuid o dev or nodev SEE ALSO
diskarbitrationd(8) HISTORY
Derived from the Openstep Workspace Manager file system utility programs. Darwin March 24, 2001 Darwin

Check Out this Related Man Page

MSDOS.UTIL(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 					     MSDOS.UTIL(8)

msdos.util -- DOS/Windows (FAT) file system utility SYNOPSIS
msdos.util -m mountflag1 mountflag2 mountflag3 mountflag4 device node msdos.util -p mountflag1 mountflag2 mountflag3 mountflag4 device msdos.util -u device msdos.util -k device msdos.util -n device name DESCRIPTION
The msdos.util command supports the mounting, probing, and unmounting of FAT file systems. Options: -m mountflag1 mountflag2 mountflag3 mountflag4 mount -n set name -p mountflag1 mountflag2 mountflag3 mountflag4 probe for mounting -u unmount -k print volume UUID mountflags above are either: o removable or fixed o readonly or writeable o suid or nosuid o dev or nodev FAT volumes do not actually have a volume UUID. They have an optional 4-byte volume ID. If a volume has an ID, then it will be converted to a version 3 UUID using MD5 to checksum the kFSUUIDNamespaceSHA1 UUID folowed by the volume ID. For the -k option, if the volume has a volume ID, the exit status will be 253 and the UUID will be printed to standard out, without any trailing newline. Otherwise, if the volume appears to be FAT, the exit status will be 255. If the volume does not appear to be FAT, the exit status will be 254. FILES
/System/Library/Filesystems/msdos.fs/Contents/Resources/msdos.util SEE ALSO
diskarbitrationd(8) HISTORY
Derived from the Openstep Workspace Manager file system utility programs. Darwin March 24, 2001 Darwin
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