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kextd(8) [opendarwin man page]

KEXTD(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 						  KEXTD(8)

kextd -- loads kexts on demand from kernel or client processes SYNOPSIS
kextd [-c] [-d] [-f] [-h] [-j] [-r directory] ... [-v [1-6]] [-x] DESCRIPTION
kextd runs as a daemon process to handle requests from the kernel to load kernel extensions (kexts). For proper operation kextd must be invoked as the superuser. kextd should not be considered a formal interface in the Darwin OS or in Mac OS X. Neither its usage nor its presence should be relied on by any software or software installer. The options available are these: -c Ignore any repository cache files and scan all kext bundles to gather information. If this option is not given, kextd will attempt to use cache files and to create them if they are out of date or don't exist. -d Debug mode; run in the foreground without forking as a daemon process. -f Don't fork a child task when loading kexts. This option is present for debugging kextd and should never be used otherwise. -h Print a help message describing each option flag. -j Don't jettison kernel linker; load NDRVs in the kernel and exit, allowing the kernel to continue handling all load requests. This option is used in startup scripts for install CDs, along with a properly built mkext cache, in order to speed startup from the CD. -r directory Use directory as a repository of known kexts for handling load requests. This is not recursive; only the directory's immediate con- tents are scanned. By default kextd uses only the kexts in /System/Library/Extensions. -v [1-6] Verbose mode; print information about the kext scanning and loading process (note that this is generally not useful when unloading). See the man page for kextload(8) to see what each verbose level prints. -x Run kextd in safe boot mode (indicating startup with the Shift key held down). Kexts that don't specify a proper value for the OSBundleRequired info dictionary property will not be loaded. This option implies the use of the -c option. DIAGNOSTICS
kextd normally never exits. If an error occurs it exits with a nonzero status. If invoked with the -j option it exits with a zero status when no error occurs, or a nonzero status if an error does occur. kextd logs all error and verbose messages to the system log, or to the console if the system log facility isn't available. When running in debug mode all output is printed to the standard output and error streams. SEE ALSO
kextcache(8), kextload(8), kextstat(8), kextunload(8), syslogd(8) Darwin February 14, 2002 Darwin

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KEXTLOAD(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 					       KEXTLOAD(8)

kextload -- loads, validates, and generates symbols for a kernel extension (kext) SYNOPSIS
kextload [-h] [ -v [0-6] | -q ] [-t] [-i | -I] [-x] [-z] [-e] [-c] [-D] [-k kernel_file] [-d extension] ... [-r directory] ... [ -l | -m | -n | -A | -a kext_id@address ] ... [-s directory] [-p personality] ... [-b -bundle_id] ... [--] [extension] ... DESCRIPTION
The kextload program is used to explicitly load kernel extensions (kexts), validate them to see that they can be loaded by other mechanisms, such as kextd(8), and to generate symbol files for debugging the kext in a running kernel. In order to load a kext into the kernel kextload must be invoked as the superuser; for all other uses it can be invoked by any user. kextload is a formal interface for kext loading in the Darwin OS and in Mac OS X. Software and installers can rely on its presence and invoke it in order to load kexts. kextload has many options, but most of them are rarely necessary. See the EXAMPLES section for tips on common uses. The arguments and options available are these: extension The pathname of a kext bundle to load or otherwise use. Kexts can also be specified by CFBundleIdentifier with the -b option. -a kext_id@address Treat the kext whose CFBundleIdenfier is kext_id as being loaded at address when generating symbol files and not loading. When gen- erating symbols only, all dependencies must have known addresses. Use this option repeatedly for every nonkernel dependency. This option implies the use of the -n option. See also -A and -n. -A When generating symbol files and not loading, look up all dependency kext addresses within the running kernel. This option implies the use of the -n option. See also -a and -n. -b bundle_id Look up the kext whose CFBundleIdentifier is bundle_id within the set of known kexts and load it. See the -d, -e, and -r options for more information. -c Ignore any repository cache files and scan all kext bundles to gather information. If this option is not given, kextload will attempt to use cache files and to create them if they are out of date or don't exist. -d extension Add extension to the set of known kexts for resolving dependencies. This is useful for adding a single kext from a directory while excluding the others. See the -e and -r options for more information. -D Don't check the kernel for already loaded kexts when resolving dependencies. This behavior is now the default and so this option is deprecated and redundant. Note that this can result in load failures if a different version of a dependency is already loaded. This option is relevant only when loading a kext into the kernel. The -A option overrides this option as it must check the kernel for which kexts are loaded. -e Don't use the contents of /System/Library/Extensions as the default repository of kexts. If you use this option you will have to explicitly specify all dependencies of the kext being loaded or otherwise worked on using the -d and -r options. -h Print a help message describing each option flag. -i Interactive mode; pause at each stage of loading for user input to continue. This allows for debugger setup when the kext needs to be debugged during its earliest stages of running. -I (capital i) Interactive mode as -i for the specified kext and all of its dependencies. -k kernel_file Link against the given kernel_file (default is /mach). Allowed only with the -n option to generate debug symbols. -l Load and start the kext only; don't send I/O Kit personalities to the kernel to begin matching. Matching may still occur if the personalities are present from an earlier load operation. You may want to use kextunload(8) before loading a kext with this option. -L Same as -r (remains for backward compatibility). -m Don't load the kext, but do send its personalities to the kernel to begin matching. Use this option after you have loaded a driver with -l and after setting up the debugger. -n Neither load the kext nor send personalities to the kernel. This option is for use when generating debug symbols only with the -s option, or when validating kexts with the -t option. See also the -a and - A options. -p personality Send only the named personalities from the kext to the kernel. Repeat for each personality desired, or use the -i option to have kextload ask for each personality. -q Quiet mode; print no informational or error messages. This option excludes -v. If kextload is run with -q in a way that might require user interaction, as with the -i and -I options, and some uses of -n, the program will silently exit with an error status. -r directory Use directory as a repository of kexts. This adds to the set of known kexts for resolving dependencies or looking up by CFBundleI- dentifier when using the -b option. This is not recursive; only the directory's immediate contents are scanned. See also the -c, -d, and -e options. -s directory Write all generated symbol files into directory. The directory must already exist. Symbol files are named after the CFBundleIden- tifier of each kexts with a .sym suffix appended. -t Perform all possible tests on the named kext(s) and indicate whether the kext is loadable, or if not, what problems it has. Note that tests are performed in three stages, validation, authentication, and dependency resolution; a failure at any stage can make tests in further stages impossible. Thus, a kext with validation failures may have unreported authentication problems or missing dependencies. -v [1-6] Verbose mode; print information about the kext scanning and loading process. Higher levels of verbosity include all lower levels. The levels of verbose output are these: 0 suppresses informational messages (errors are still printed); see also -q 1 prints basic kext scanning information 2 prints basic load information 3 prints detailed kext scanning information 4 prints basic information on every kext encountered 5 prints detailed information on every kext encountered 6 prints detailed load information If -v is not specified only the essential information about the load operation is printed (such as whether the kext was already loaded). A kext can also specify verbose printing for just itself using the OSBundleDebugLevel top-level info dictionary property. Its val- ues are 1 and 2, for basic and detailed information, respectively. This option excludes - q . -x Run kextload in safe boot mode (indicating startup with the Shift key held down). Kexts that don't specify a proper value for the OSBundleRequired info dictionary property, or those in which every personality contains a nonzero IOKitDebug property, will not load. This option implies the use of the -c option. -z Don't authenticate kexts. This option is for convenience during development, and is allowed only for operations that don't actually load a kext into the kernel (such as when generating symbols). -Z Don't try to resolve dependencies. This option is allowed only when using the -n and -t options to test a kext for problems. It is not allowed with the -s option as generating symbols requires dependencies to be resolved. -- End of all options. Only kext names follow. EXAMPLES
Here are the common uses and usage patterns for kextload. Basic loading To load a kext you must run kextload as the superuser and supply a kext bundle name; no options are required: kextload TabletDriver.kext Alternatively, you can use the -b option to specify a kext by its CFBundleIdentifier: kextload -b com.mycompany.driver.TabletDriver With no additional options kextload will look in /System/Library/Extensions for a kext with the given CFBundleIdentifier. Adding repository directories with the -r option or individual kexts with the -d option expands the set of kexts that kextload looks among: kextload -r ${USER}/Library/Extensions TabletDriver.kext If you're modifying system startup to load a kext, be sure to check whether the system is starting up in safe boot mode (typically when the user presses the Shift key) and use the -x option to indicate this. (The various rc files in /etc can simply use the $SafeBoot shell vari- able on the command line. It evaluates to an empty string during normal startup and "-x" during safe boot mode.) Validating Kexts The -t option causes kextload to perform all possible validation and authentication checks on the specified kexts and to attempt to resolve their dependencies. If there are any problems with the specified kexts, kextload prints a list of the problems. The -t option is typically used with -n after a load failure to pinpoint a problem. It can be used with any other set of options, however. If you want to validate a kext in isolation, as in a build environment where dependencies may not be available, you can use the -e and -Z options to omit the /System/Library/Extensions repository and to suppress dependency resolution, respectively: kextload -entZ PacketSniffer.kext Only validation and authentication checks will be performed. Generating Debug Symbols When Loading To generate a symbol file for use with gdb when loading a kext, use the -s option to specify a directory where symbol files will be written for the kext being loaded and all its dependencies. kextload -s ~/ksyms PacketSniffer.kext Generating Debug Symbols For an Already-Loaded Kext If you want to generate symbols for a kext that's already loaded, whether on the same system or on another, use the -s option along with the -n option. Since in this case addresses must be known for the kext and all its dependencies, though, you must specify these. If you don't indicate them on the command line, kextload will ask you for the load address of each kext needed. Use kextstat(8) on the machine you're generating symbols for to get these addresses and enter them at each prompt. kextload -n -s ~/ksyms GrobbleEthernet.kext enter the hexadecimal load addresses for these modules: 0x1001000 ... Alternatively, if you know the CFBundleIdentifiers of all the kexts, you can use the -a option for each kext (you needn't specify -n when using the -a option): kextload -s ~/ksyms -a -a -a com.mycompany.driver.GrobbleEthernet@0x1007000 GrobbleEthernet.kext Simplest of all, however, provided you can run kextload on the same machine as the loaded kext, is to use the -A option, which checks with the kernel for all loaded kexts and automatically gets their load addresses. kextload -s ~/ksyms -A GrobbleEthernet.kext Explicitly Specifying Dependencies Because kextload resolves dependencies automatically, it's possible that a kext other than the one you intend might get used as a dependency (such as when there are multiple versions, or if you're working on a new version of a kext that's already installed in /System/Library/Exten- sions). By default, when loading a kext into the kernel kextload checks which versions of possible dependencies are already loaded in order to assure a successful load. When not loading, however, it always chooses the most recent versions of any dependencies. If you want to have complete control over the set of extensions used to resolve dependencies, use the -e, -d, and -r options. The -e option excludes the standard /System/Library/Extensions folder, leaving the set of candidate extensions for dependency resolution entirely up to you. To specify candidate dependencies you use either -d, which names a single kext as a candidate, or -r, which adds an entire directory of extensions. kextload -n -s ~/ksyms -e -d /System/Library/Extensions/System.kext -r ~/TestKexts -d JoystickSupport.kext JoystickDriver.kext Note also that if you use -e, you must supply some version of the System.kext bundle in order to supply information about the kernel. This should always match the kernel you're linking against, which is by default the installed kernel on the machine you're using kextload on; you can use the -k option to indicate a different kernel file. Debug-Loading an I/O Kit Driver If you need to debug an I/O Kit driver's early startup code, you must load the driver on the target machine without starting matching by using the -l option: kextload -l DiskController.kext Once you have done this, you can use the generated symbol file in your debug session to set breakpoints and then trigger matching by running kextload again on the target machine with the -m option: kextload -m DiskController.kext You may wish to use the -p option as well in order to send selected personalities to the kernel. Alternatively, you can use the -i option for the whole process, which causes kextload to pause just before loading any personalities and then to ask you for each personality whether that one should be sent to the kernel: kextload -i DiskController.kext Debug-Loading a non-I/O Kit Kext A non-I/O Kit kext doesn't have a personality-matching phase of loading; it just starts executing. In order to debug a non-I/O Kit kext's startup code, you must use the -i or -I option, which pauses loading at each significant stage so that you can set up your debugging session as needed before proceeding. FILES
/System/Library/Extensions The standard system repository of kernel extensions directoryname.kextcache A cache of all kext info dictionaries (plists) for a given directory DIAGNOSTICS
kextload exits with a zero status upon success. Upon failure, it prints an error message and continues processing any kexts if possible, then exits with a nonzero status. SEE ALSO
kextcache(8), kextd(8), kextstat(8), kextunload(8) BUGS
Upon encountering a kext with validation errors, kextload typically prints an error message about that kext, even if it isn't involved in the load request. Darwin February 22, 2002 Darwin
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