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ioalloccount(8) [opendarwin man page]

IOALLOCCOUNT(8) 					    BSD System Manager's Manual 					   IOALLOCCOUNT(8)

ioalloccount -- Summarize IOKit memory usage. SYNOPSIS
ioalloccount DESCRIPTION
ioalloccount displays some accounting of memory allocated by IOKit allocators, including object instances, in the kernel. Useful for tracking leaks. This information can also found in the Root of the IORegistry. EXAMPLES
List allocations by type, with sample output. ioalloccount Instance allocation = 000169f8 = 90 K Container allocation = 0002793e = 158 K IOMalloc allocation = 00011555 = 69 K SEE ALSO
ioalloccount(8), ioreg(8) Darwin February 29, 2000 Darwin

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IOCLASSCOUNT(8) 					    BSD System Manager's Manual 					   IOCLASSCOUNT(8)

ioclasscount SYNOPSIS
ioclasscount [classname] [...] DESCRIPTION
ioclasscount displays the instance counts of OSObject-based C++ classes in the kernel, incremented by the number of direct subclasses that have an instance count of at least 1. For example, if IONetworkController is not directly instantiated, but its direct subclass IOEthernet- Controller has any instances, then IONetworkController's instance count will be at least 1; if another direct subclass such as IOFWController has any instances, then IONetworkController's instance count will be at least 2; and so on. (This modification of instance counts prevents unloading of kexts defining superclasses that have no instances, but whose subclasses in other kexts have instances.) If classes are specified, instance counts are printed as a comma-separated list in the order specified. If no classes are specified, instance counts for all classes are printed, one per line of output and sorted by name. This information is useful for tracking leaks. Instance counts can also found in the root of the IORegistry in the ``IOKitDiagnostics'' property. EXAMPLES
Display instance counts for IOPCIDevice and AppleTestPCI: /usr/sbin/ioclasscount IOPCIDevice AppleTestPCI IOPCIDevice = 2, AppleTestPCI = 1 SEE ALSO
ioalloccount(8), ioreg(8) Darwin November 06, 2008 Darwin
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