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dynamic_pager(8) [opendarwin man page]

dynamic_pager(8)					    BSD System Manager's Manual 					  dynamic_pager(8)

dynamic_pager -- dynamic pager external storage manager SYNOPSIS
dynamic_pager [-F filename] [-S filesize] [-H high-water-trigger] [-L low-water-trigger] [-P priority] DESCRIPTION
The dynamic_pager daemon manages a pool of external swap files which the kernel uses to support demand paging. This pool is expanded with new swap files as load on the system increases, and contracted when the swapping resources are no longer needed. The dynamic_pager daemon also provides a notification service for those applications which wish to receive notices when the external paging pool expands or contracts. OPTIONS
-F The base name of the filename to use for the external paging files. By default this is /private/var/vm/swapfile. -S The fixed filesize [in bytes] to use for the paging files. By default dynamic_pager uses variable sized paging files, using larger sized files as paging demands increase. The -S, -H and -L options disable that default and cause dynamic_pager to use a series of fixed sized external paging files. -H If there are less than high-water-trigger bytes free in the external paging files, the kernel will signal dynamic_pager to add a new external paging file. -L If there are more than low-water-trigger bytes free in the external paging files, the kernel will coalese in-use pages and signal dynamic_pager to discard an external paging file. Low-water-trigger must be greater than high-water-trigger + filesize. -P This option is currently unimplemented. FILES
/private/var/vm/swapfile* Default external paging files. SEE ALSO
macx_swapon(2), macx_swapoff(2). Mac OS X July 8, 2003 Mac OS X

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SWAPON(8)						     Linux Programmer's Manual							 SWAPON(8)

swapon, swapoff - enable/disable devices and files for paging and swapping SYNOPSIS
/sbin/swapon [-h -V] /sbin/swapon -a [-v] [-e] /sbin/swapon [-v] [-p priority] specialfile ... /sbin/swapon [-s] /sbin/swapoff [-h -V] /sbin/swapoff -a /sbin/swapoff specialfile ... DESCRIPTION
Swapon is used to specify devices on which paging and swapping are to take place. Calls to swapon normally occur in the system multi-user initialization file /etc/rc making all swap devices available, so that the paging and swapping activity is interleaved across several devices and files. Normally, the first form is used: -h Provide help -V Display version -s Display swap usage summary by device. Equivalent to "cat /proc/swaps". Not available before Linux 2.1.25. -a All devices marked as ``swap'' swap devices in /etc/fstab are made available. Devices that are already running as swap are silently skipped. -e When -a is used with swapon, -e makes swapon silently skip devices that do not exist. -p priority Specify priority for swapon. This option is only available if swapon was compiled under and is used under a 1.3.2 or later kernel. priority is a value between 0 and 32767. See swapon(2) for a full description of swap priorities. Add pri=value to the option field of /etc/fstab for use with swapon -a. Swapoff disables swapping on the specified devices and files. When the -a flag is given, swapping is disabled on all known swap devices and files (as found in /proc/swaps or /etc/fstab). NOTE
You should not use swapon on a file with holes. Swap over NFS may not work. SEE ALSO
swapon(2), swapoff(2), fstab(5), init(8), mkswap(8), rc(8), mount(8) FILES
/dev/hd?? standard paging devices /dev/sd?? standard (SCSI) paging devices /etc/fstab ascii filesystem description table HISTORY
The swapon command appeared in 4.0BSD. Linux 1.x 25 September 1995 SWAPON(8)
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