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ypserv.acl(5) [opendarwin man page]

YPSERV.ACL(5)						      BSD File Formats Manual						     YPSERV.ACL(5)

ypserv.acl -- ypserv(8) configuration file DESCRIPTION
The ypserv.acl file controls which hosts can connect to the YP server. The format is more complex than the format for securenet(5). The first two verbs on each line controls if the line will allow or deny access for a host, network (net) or all hosts. The YP server reads the configuration file and build a list in memory. This list is processed from the beginning for every incomming request. As soon a match is found in the list the search terminates and it returns success or failure depending on allow or deny. If no match was found in the list success is returned. If access is denied every call will cause a no such domain error for the caller. Don't forget to allow localhost access if you want the machine running ypserv access it too. There is no default name for this file. Start ypserv with a -a filename to read a file with this format. The following different syntax can be used: < allow|deny > host < hostname|ip-address > If hostname has more than one ip address then all will be added to the list. < allow|deny > net < netname|netnumber > [netmask <netname|netnumber>] If netmask part of the command isn't given then the netmask will be assumed to be a class A, B or C net depending on the net number. < allow|deny > all A line containing one of these commands will always match any host. EXAMPLES
A configuration file might appear as follows: # This is an example of an access control file to be used by ypserv. # # This file is parsed line by line. First match will terminate the check # of the caller. # ########################################################################### # This is the commands that will match a single host # # allow host <hostname|ip-address> # deny host <hostname|ip-address> # # To process hostname gethostbyname is called. If the hostname has # multiple ip-addresses all will be added (I hope). ip-address # processed by inet_aton. allow host localhost deny host jodie ########################################################################### # This is the commands that will match a network # # allow net <netname|netnumber> [netmask <netname|netnumber>] # deny net <netname|netnumber> [netmask <netname|netnumber>] # # To process netname getnetbyname is called, and inet_aton is used for # netnumber. inet_aton both access numbers as and 0xffffff00. # # If netmask isn't given the parser will assume netmask from the first bits # of the network number. So if the network is subneted the you have to add # the netmask. In my case I've got the network at home so too # allow any of my computers to talk with the server I need the following # line # allow net mojathome netmask ########################################################################### # At last we have a command that will match any caller: # # allow all # deny all # # reject all connections deny all FILES
/var/yp/ypserv.acl A ypserv(8) configuration file. SEE ALSO
yp(8), ypserv(8), securenet(5) AUTHOR
Mats O Jansson <> BSD
July 2, 1994 BSD

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YPSERV.CONF(5)							 Reference Manual						    YPSERV.CONF(5)

ypserv.conf - configuration file for ypserv and rpc.ypxfrd DESCRIPTION
ypserv.conf is an ASCII file which contains some options for ypserv. It also contains a list of rules for special host and map access for ypserv and rpc.ypxfrd. This file will be read by ypserv and rpc.ypxfrd at startup, or when receiving a SIGHUP signal. There is one entry per line. If the line is a option line, the format is: option: <argument> The line for an access rule has the format: host:domain:map:security All rules are tried one by one. If no match is found, access to a map is allowed. Following options exist: files: 30 This option specifies, how many database files should be cached by ypserv. If 0 is specified, caching is disabled. Decreasing this number is only possible, if ypserv is restarted. trusted_master: server If this option is set on a slave server, new maps from the host server will be accepted as master. The default is, that no trusted master is set and new maps will not be accepted. Example: trusted_master: xfr_check_port: [<yes>|no] With this option enabled, the NIS master server have to run on a port < 1024. The default is "yes" (enabled). The field descriptions for the access rule lines are: host IP address. Wildcards are allowed. Examples: 131.234. = domain specifies the domain, for which this rule should be applied. An asterix as wildcard is allowed. map name of the map, or asterisk for all maps. security one of none, port, deny: none always allow access. port allow access if from port < 1024. Otherwise do not allow access. deny deny access to this map. FILES
/etc/ypserv.conf SEE ALSO
ypserv(8), rpc.ypxfrd(8) WARNINGS
The access rules for special maps are no real improvement in security, but they make the life a little bit harder for a potential hacker. BUGS
Solaris clients don't use privileged ports. All security options which depend on privileged ports cause big problems on Solaris clients. AUTHOR
Thorsten Kukuk <> YP Server October 2002 YPSERV.CONF(5)
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