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upsset.conf(5) [opendarwin man page]

UPSSET.CONF(5)							    NUT Manual							    UPSSET.CONF(5)

upsset.conf - Configuration for Network UPS Tools upsset.cgi DESCRIPTION
This file only does one job--it lets you convince upsset.cgi(8) that your system's CGI directory is secure. The program will not run until this file has been properly defined. SECURITY REQUIREMENTS
upsset.cgi(8) allows you to try login name and password combinations. There is no rate limiting, as the program shuts down between every request. Such is the nature of CGI programs. Normally, attackers would not be able to access your upsd(8) server directly as it would be protected by the LISTEN directives in your upsd.conf(5) file, tcp-wrappers (if available when NUT was built), and hopefully local firewall settings in your OS. upsset runs on your web server, so upsd will see it as a connection from a host on an internal network. It doesn't know that the connection is actually coming from someone on the outside. This is why you must secure it. On Apache, you can use the .htaccess file or put the directives in your httpd.conf. It looks something like this, assuming the .htaccess method: <Files upsset.cgi> deny from all allow from </Files> You will probably have to set "AllowOverride Limit" for this directory in your server-level configuration file as well. If this doesn't make sense, then stop reading and leave this program alone. It's not something you absolutely need to have anyway. Assuming you have all this done, and it actually works (test it!), then you may add the following directive to this file: I_HAVE_SECURED_MY_CGI_DIRECTORY If you lie to the program and someone beats on your upsd through your web server, don't blame me. SEE ALSO
upsset.cgi(8) Internet resources: The NUT (Network UPS Tools) home page: Network UPS Tools 05/22/2012 UPSSET.CONF(5)

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UPSSET.CONF(5)						      Network UPS Tools (NUT)						    UPSSET.CONF(5)

upsset.conf - Configuration for Network UPS Tools upsset.cgi DESCRIPTION
This file only does one job - it lets you convince upsset.cgi(8) that your system's CGI directory is secure. The program will not run until this file has been properly defined. SECURITY REQUIREMENTS
upsset.cgi(8) allows you to try login name and password combinations. There is no rate limiting, as the program shuts down between every request. Such is the nature of CGI programs. Normally, attackers would not be able to access your upsd(8) server directly as it would be protected by the ACCESS/ACL directives in your upsd.conf(5) file and hopefully local firewall settings in your OS. Since upsset runs on your web server, it could provide a passage from the outside to the inside, bypassing any firewall rules or upsd access control limitations, since it appears to be coming from the web server. This is why you must secure it first. On Apache, you can use the .htaccess file or put the directives in your httpd.conf. It looks something like this, assuming the .htaccess method: <Files upsset.cgi> deny from all allow from </Files> You will probably have to set "AllowOverride Limit" for this directory in your server-level configuration file as well. If this doesn't make sense, then stop reading and leave this program alone. It's not something you absolutely need to have anyway. Assuming you have all this done, and it actually works (test it!), then you may add the following directive to this file: I_HAVE_SECURED_MY_CGI_DIRECTORY If you lie to the program and someone beats on your upsd through your web server, don't blame me. SEE ALSO
upsset.cgi(8) Internet resources: The NUT (Network UPS Tools) home page: NUT mailing list archives and information: Tue Jul 30 2002 UPSSET.CONF(5)
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