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exmem(3alleg4) [opendarwin man page]

exmem(3alleg4)							  Allegro manual						    exmem(3alleg4)

exmem - Drawing onto memory bitmaps and then blitting them to the screen. Allegro game programming library. SYNOPSIS
#include <allegro.h> Example exmem DESCRIPTION
This program demonstrates the use of memory bitmaps. It creates a small temporary bitmap in memory, draws some circles onto it, and then blits lots of copies of it onto the screen. SEE ALSO
BITMAP(3alleg4), END_OF_MAIN(3alleg4), SCREEN_H(3alleg4), SCREEN_W(3alleg4), acquire_screen(3alleg4), allegro_error(3alleg4), alle- gro_init(3alleg4), allegro_message(3alleg4), blit(3alleg4), circle(3alleg4), clear_bitmap(3alleg4), create_bitmap(3alleg4), desktop_pal- ette(3alleg4), destroy_bitmap(3alleg4), install_keyboard(3alleg4), palette_color(3alleg4), readkey(3alleg4), release_screen(3alleg4), screen(3alleg4), set_gfx_mode(3alleg4), set_palette(3alleg4) Allegro version 4.4.2 exmem(3alleg4)

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exzbuf(3alleg4) 						  Allegro manual						   exzbuf(3alleg4)

exzbuf - Z-buffered polygons demo. Allegro game programming library. SYNOPSIS
#include <allegro.h> Example exzbuf DESCRIPTION
This program demonstrates how to use Z-buffered polygons and floating point 3D math routines. It also provides a simple way to compute fps (frames per second) using a timer. After selecting a screen resolution through the standard GUI dialog, the example shows two 3D cubes rotating and intersecting each other. Rather than having full polygons incorrectly overlap other polygons due to per-polygon sorting, each pixel is drawn at the correct depth. SEE ALSO
BITMAP(3alleg4), END_OF_FUNCTION(3alleg4), END_OF_MAIN(3alleg4), LOCK_FUNCTION(3alleg4), LOCK_VARIABLE(3alleg4), MATRIX_f(3alleg4), PAL- ETTE(3alleg4), POLYTYPE_GCOL(3alleg4), SCREEN_H(3alleg4), SCREEN_W(3alleg4), V3D_f(3alleg4), ZBUFFER(3alleg4), allegro_error(3alleg4), allegro_exit(3alleg4), allegro_init(3alleg4), allegro_message(3alleg4), apply_matrix_f(3alleg4), bitmap_color_depth(3alleg4), blit(3alleg4), clear_bitmap(3alleg4), clear_zbuffer(3alleg4), create_bitmap(3alleg4), create_zbuffer(3alleg4), desktop_palette(3alleg4), destroy_bitmap(3alleg4), destroy_zbuffer(3alleg4), font(3alleg4), get_transformation_matrix_f(3alleg4), gfx_mode_select_ex(3alleg4), install_int(3alleg4), install_keyboard(3alleg4), install_mouse(3alleg4), install_timer(3alleg4), keypressed(3alleg4), pal- ette_color(3alleg4), persp_project_f(3alleg4), polygon_z_normal_f(3alleg4), quad3d_f(3alleg4), readkey(3alleg4), screen(3alleg4), set_color_depth(3alleg4), set_gfx_mode(3alleg4), set_palette(3alleg4), set_palette_range(3alleg4), set_projection_viewport(3alleg4), set_zbuffer(3alleg4), textprintf_ex(3alleg4), vsync(3alleg4) Allegro version 4.4.2 exzbuf(3alleg4)
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