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exalpha(3alleg4) [opendarwin man page]
exalpha(3alleg4) Allegro manual exalpha(3alleg4)
exalpha - Creating and using 32 bit RGBA sprites. Allegro game programming library.
#include <allegro.h>
Example exalpha
This program demonstrates how to use the 32 bit RGBA translucency functions to store an alpha channel along with a bitmap graphic. Two
images are loaded from disk. One will be used for the background and the other as a sprite. The example generates an alpha channel for the
sprite image, composing the 32 bit RGBA bitmap during runtime, and draws it at the position of the mouse cursor.
BITMAP(3alleg4) , END_OF_MAIN(3alleg4) , SCREEN_H(3alleg4) , SCREEN_W(3alleg4) , allegro_error(3alleg4) , allegro_init(3alleg4) , allegro_mes-
sage(3alleg4) , blit(3alleg4) , clear_keybuf(3alleg4) , create_bitmap(3alleg4) , destroy_bitmap(3alleg4) , draw_trans_sprite(3alleg4) , draw-
ing_mode(3alleg4) , font(3alleg4) , getb(3alleg4) , getg(3alleg4) , getpixel(3alleg4) , getr(3alleg4) , install_keyboard(3alleg4) ,
install_mouse(3alleg4) , install_timer(3alleg4) , keypressed(3alleg4) , load_bitmap(3alleg4) , makecol(3alleg4) , mouse_x(3alleg4) ,
mouse_y(3alleg4) , putpixel(3alleg4) , rectfill(3alleg4) , replace_filename(3alleg4) , screen(3alleg4) , set_alpha_blender(3alleg4) ,
set_color_conversion(3alleg4) , set_color_depth(3alleg4) , set_gfx_mode(3alleg4) , set_multiply_blender(3alleg4) ,
set_write_alpha_blender(3alleg4) , solid_mode(3alleg4) , stretch_blit(3alleg4) , textprintf_ex(3alleg4)
Allegro version 4.4.2 exalpha(3alleg4)
Check Out this Related Man Page
extrans(3alleg4) Allegro manual extrans(3alleg4)
extrans - Lighting and translucency effects. Allegro game programming library.
#include <allegro.h>
Example extrans
This program demonstrates how to use the lighting and translucency functions. The first part of the example will show a dark screen illumi-
nated by a spotlight you can move with your mouse. After a key press the example shows the full bitmap and the spotlight changes to be a
reduced version of the background with 50% of translucency.
The translucency effect is easy to do in all color depths. However, the lighting effect has to be performed in a different way depending
on whether the screen is in 8bit mode or another color depth. This is because additive drawing mode uses a different set of routines for
truecolor modes.
BITMAP(3alleg4) , COLOR_MAP(3alleg4) , END_OF_MAIN(3alleg4) , PALETTE(3alleg4) , RGB(3alleg4) , RGB_MAP(3alleg4) , SCREEN_H(3alleg4) ,
SCREEN_W(3alleg4) , allegro_error(3alleg4) , allegro_init(3alleg4) , allegro_message(3alleg4) , bitmap_color_depth(3alleg4) , blit(3alleg4) ,
circlefill(3alleg4) , clear_bitmap(3alleg4) , clear_keybuf(3alleg4) , color_map(3alleg4) , create_bitmap(3alleg4) , create_bitmap_ex(3alleg4) ,
create_light_table(3alleg4) , create_rgb_table(3alleg4) , create_trans_table(3alleg4) , destroy_bitmap(3alleg4) , draw_trans_sprite(3alleg4) ,
drawing_mode(3alleg4) , install_keyboard(3alleg4) , install_mouse(3alleg4) , install_timer(3alleg4) , keypressed(3alleg4) , load_bit-
map(3alleg4) , mouse_x(3alleg4) , mouse_y(3alleg4) , poll_mouse(3alleg4) , rectfill(3alleg4) , replace_filename(3alleg4) , rest(3alleg4) ,
rgb_map(3alleg4) , screen(3alleg4) , set_alpha_blender(3alleg4) , set_gfx_mode(3alleg4) , set_palette(3alleg4) , set_trans_blender(3alleg4) ,
set_write_alpha_blender(3alleg4) , stretch_blit(3alleg4)
Allegro version 4.4.2 extrans(3alleg4)
Man Page
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