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pam_authenticate(3) [opendarwin man page]

PAM_AUTHENTICATE(3)					     App. Programmers' Manual					       PAM_AUTHENTICATE(3)

pam_authenticate - authenticate a user SYNOPSIS
#include <security/pam_appl.h> int pam_authenticate(pam_handle_t *pamh, int flags); DESCRIPTION
pam_authenticate Use this function to authenticate an applicant user. It is linked dynamically to the authentication modules by Linux-PAM. It is the task of these module to perform such an authentication. The specific nature of the authentication is not the concern of the application. Following successful completion, the name of the authenticated user will be present in the Linux-PAM item PAM_USER. This item may be recovered with a call to pam_get_item(3). The application developer should note that the modules may request that the user enter their username via the conversation mechanism (see pam_start(3)). Should this be the case, the user-prompt string can be set via the PAM_USER_PROMPT item (see pam_set_item(3)). RETURN VALUE
On success PAM_SUCCESS is returned. All other returns should be considered authentication failures and will be delayed by an amount speci- fied with prior calls to pam_fail_delay(3). Specific failures that demand special attention are the following: PAM_ABORT the application should exit immediately. Of course, pam_end(3) should be called first. PAM_MAXTRIES the application has tried too many times to authenticate the user, authentication should not be attempted again. ERRORS
May be translated to text with pam_strerror(3). CONFORMING TO
DCE-RFC 86.0, October 1995. BUGS
none known. SEE ALSO
pam_start(3), pam_get_item(3) pam_fail_delay(3) and pam_strerror(3). Also, see the three Linux-PAM Guides, for System administrators, module developers, and application developers. Linux-PAM 0.55 1996 Dec 9 PAM_AUTHENTICATE(3)

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PAM_AUTHENTICATE(3)                                              Linux-PAM Manual                                              PAM_AUTHENTICATE(3)

pam_authenticate - account authentication SYNOPSIS
#include <security/pam_appl.h> int pam_authenticate(pam_handle_t *pamh, int flags); DESCRIPTION
The pam_authenticate function is used to authenticate the user. The user is required to provide an authentication token depending upon the authentication service, usually this is a password, but could also be a finger print. The PAM service module may request that the user enter their username vio the the conversation mechanism (see pam_start(3) and pam_conv(3)). The name of the authenticated user will be present in the PAM item PAM_USER. This item may be recovered with a call to pam_get_item(3). The pamh argument is an authentication handle obtained by a prior call to pam_start(). The flags argument is the binary or of zero or more of the following values: PAM_SILENT Do not emit any messages. PAM_DISALLOW_NULL_AUTHTOK The PAM module service should return PAM_AUTH_ERR if the user does not have a registered authentication token. RETURN VALUES
PAM_ABORT The application should exit immediately after calling pam_end(3) first. PAM_AUTH_ERR The user was not authenticated. PAM_CRED_INSUFFICIENT For some reason the application does not have sufficient credentials to authenticate the user. PAM_AUTHINFO_UNVAIL The modules were not able to access the authentication information. This might be due to a network or hardware failure etc. PAM_MAXTRIES One or more of the authentication modules has reached its limit of tries authenticating the user. Do not try again. PAM_SUCCESS The user was successfully authenticated. PAM_USER_UNKNOWN User unknown to authentication service. SEE ALSO
pam_start(3), pam_setcred(3), pam_chauthtok(3), pam_strerror(3), pam(7) Linux-PAM Manual 06/04/2011 PAM_AUTHENTICATE(3)
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